Search Results for: manufacturing

Could additive manufacturing be the future of the plastics industry?


There has been a significant revolution in the world of materials as 3D printing has proved its potential for innovation. Now it must be put into practice. While 3D printers are increasingly present in prototyping workshops, they have been slow to replace the processes traditionally used in the plastics industry. This is because these technologies are too restrictive, in terms …

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What are the latest innovations in additive manufacturing?

TechDay, fabrication additive, additive manufacturing

Although additive manufacturing is already fully integrated into industrial processes, it is continuing to develop thanks to new advances in technology. The Additive Manufacturing Tech’Day, co-organized by IMT Mines Alès and Materiautech – Allizé-Plasturgie, brought together manufacturers and industry stakeholders for a look at new developments in equipment and material. José-Marie Lopez Cuesta, Director of the Materials Center at IMT …

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Additive manufacturing, a process for the industry of the future

As a major component of the Industry of the Future project, additive manufacturing — or 3D printing — is leading to ever-increasing research on materials. Researchers at Mines Douai seized on the opportunity to explore this line of research a little over two years ago. Today, the many requests the school has received for research partnerships show the importance of …

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Antoine Fécant, winner of the 2021 IMT-Académie des Sciences Young Scientist Prize

Antoine Fécant

Antoine Fécant, new energy materials researcher at IFP Energies Nouvelles, has worked on many projects relating to solar and biosourced fuel production and petrol refining. His work has relevance for the energy transition and, this year, was recognized by the IMT-Académie des Science Young Scientist Prize. “Energy is a central part of our lifestyles,” affirms Antoine Fécant, new energy materials …

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Technology for improving the recycling of plastics and composites


Plastics and composites aren’t recycled as often as we might wish, as a result of a lack of facilities, the right technologies not yet existing or not being profitable, or hazardous waste deposits. IMT Nord Europe have been working in partnership with manufacturers to develop and improve the available technologies. Plastics and composites get a lot of bad press, but it …

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3D printing, a revolution for the construction industry?

Estelle Hynek, IMT Nord Europe – Institut Mines-Télécom A two-story office building was “printed” in Dubai in 2019, becoming the largest 3D-printed building in the world by surface area: 640 square meters. In France, XtreeE plans to build five homes for rent by the end of 2021 as part of the Viliaprint project. Constructions 3D, with whom I am collaborating …

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ThermiUp: a new heat recovery device


ThermiUP helps meet the challenge of energy-saving in buildings. This start-up, incubated at IMT Atlantique, is set to market a device that transfers heat from grey water to fresh water. Its director, Philippe Barbry, gives us an overview of the system. What challenges does the start-up ThermiUp help meet? Philippe Barbry: Saving energy is an important challenge from a societal point of view, but also …

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Graphene, or the expected revolution in electronics: coming soon

Thibaut Lalire, IMT Mines Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom “Material of the 21st century,” a “revolutionary material”: these are some of the ways graphene has been described since it was discovered in 2004 by Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim. The two scientists’ research on graphene won them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. But how do things stand today – seventeen …

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Data governance: trust it (or not?)

Gouvernance des données

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter no. 20 (March 2021) of the Values and Policies of Personal Information (VP-IP) Chair. On 25 November 2020, the European Commission published its proposal for the European data governance regulation, the Data Governance Act (DGA) which aims to “unlock the economic and societal potential of data and technologies like artificial intelligence “. The …

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What is digital sufficiency?

Sobriété numérique, digital sobriety

Digital consumption doubles every 5 years. This is due in particular to the growing number of digital devices and their increased use. This consumption also has an increasing impact on the environment. Digital sufficiency refers to finding the right balance for the use of digital technology in relation to the planet and its inhabitants. Fabrice Flipo, a researcher at Institut Mines-Télécom …

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