Search Results for: manufacturing

Digital simulation: applications, from medicine to energy

digital simulation

At Mines Saint-Étienne, Yann Gavet uses image simulation to study the characteristics of an object. This method is more economical in terms of time and cost, and eliminates the need for experimental measurements. This field, at the intersection of mathematics, computer science and algorithms, is used for a variety of applications ranging from the medical sector to the study of …

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Corenstock Chair: a Trial Cylinder for the Heating Industry

As 2021 begins, IMT and elm.leblanc launched the Corenstock Industrial Chair to address issues in energy and digital transition in the domestic heating industry. What is the objective? Within four years, to present a demonstrator for the hot water tank of the future: more resistant, efficient and durable. Behind this prototype lies the development of new economic models for the …

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Supporting companies in the midst of crisis


The RAMP-UP Seed project is one of 9 new projects to have been selected by the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future as part of the “Resilience and Sustainability for the Industry of the Future” call for projects. It focuses on helping companies adapt their production capacities to respond to crisis situations. The project relies on two main …

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Decontaminating and treating waste from the steel industry

The manufacture of steel produces mineral residues called steel slags, which are stored in large quantities in slag dumps. These present a dual challenge. On the one hand, they are potentially harmful for the environment and health, and on the other hand they are a useful resource for certain industries. The HYPASS project at Mines Saint-Étienne aims to address both …

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Étienne Perret, IMT-Académie des sciences Young Scientist prize

What if barcodes disappeared from our supermarket items? Étienne Perret, a researcher in radio-frequency electronics at Grenoble INP, works on identification technologies. His work over recent years has focused on the development of RFID without electronic components, commonly known as chipless RFID. The technology aims to offer some of the advantages of classical RFID but at a similar cost to …

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AI for interoperable and autonomous industrial systems


At Mines Saint-Étienne, researchers Olivier Boissier, Maxime Lefrançois and Antoine Zimmermann are using AI to tackle the issue of interoperability, which is essential to the industry of the future. The standardization of information in the form of knowledge graphs has allowed them to enable communication between machines that speak different languages. They then operate this system via a network of autonomous distributed …

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What is life cycle analysis?


Life cycle analysis (LCA) is increasingly common, in particular for eco-design or to obtain a label. It is used to assess the environmental footprint of a product or service by taking into account as many sources as possible. In the following interview, Miguel Lopez-Ferber, a researcher in environmental assessment at IMT Mines Alès, offers insights about the benefits and complexity …

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Managing electronic waste: a global problem

Responsibilities surrounding digital waste are multi-faceted. On one side, it is governments’ responsibility to establish tighter border controls to better manage the flow of waste and make sure that it is not transferred to developing countries. On the other side, electronic device manufacturers must take accountability for their position by facilitating end-of-life management of their products. And consumers must be …

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Trains made with recyclable parts

Photographie d'un train Regio2n, même modèle que le démonstrateur en résine thermoplastique développé par le projet Destiny

The Destiny project proposes a new process to manufacture parts for the railway and aeronautical industries. It uses a thermoplastic resin, which enables the materials to be recycled while limiting the pollution associated with manufacturing them.      It is increasingly critical to be able to recycle products so as to lower the environmental cost of their production. The composite …

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A European project to assess the performance of robotic functions


Healthcare, maintenance, the agri-food industry, agile manufacturing. Metrics, a three-year H2020 project launched in January, is organizing robot competitions geared towards these four industries and is developing metrological methods to assess the data collected. TeraLab, IMT’s big data and AI platform, is a partner in this project. Interview with Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Director of TeraLab.   What is the aim of the European …

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