Search Results for: manufacturing

Nano 3D Printers for Industry

An example of the micro-structures produced using a single-beam laser nano printer by the company Multi-Photon Optics, a member of the consortium.

The 3-year H2020 project PHENOmenon, launched in January 2018, is developing nano 3D printers capable of producing micro and nano-structures (particularly those with an optical function), while adhering to limited production times. Kevin Heggarty is a researcher at IMT Atlantique, one of the project partners along with three other European research institutes and eight industrial partners, including major groups and …

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Artificial Intelligence: TeraLab becomes a European “Digital Innovation Hub”

digital Innovation Hub

TeraLab becomes one of the 30 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) selected by the European Union in artificial intelligence. This new recognition consolidates the place of the IMT’s TeraLab platform in the field of AI as well as its impact on business transformation.   On February 28 last year, the European Commission, via the AI DIH Network project, recognized TeraLab as …

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Industry of the future: The German-French Academy launches seven new projects

AFA 7 nouveaux projets, German-French Academy

Following a call for proposals launched by the German-French Academy for researchers at IMT and TUM (Technische Universität Munchen), seven projects were selected in October 2018. The projects focus on key topics for the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future. A French-German platform for AI will soon be launched.   The selected projects focus on six topics: AI …

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Opti’Waves: microwaving ceramics


The start-up Opti’Waves, a direct spin-off from research conducted at Mines Saint-Étienne laboratories, offers new technology for firing technical ceramics. By using microwaves, this technology considerably reduces high-temperature firing times and the energy used to manufacture ceramics. Its target market? Dental prostheses. The start-up will present its industrial solution at CES 2019 Las Vegas with the delegation from IMT.   …

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The IMT-Académie des Sciences Awards 2019 open for applications

Awards, Prix IMT Académie des sciences 2019

The third edition of the IMT-Académie des Sciences Awards is now open for applications. Supported by Fondation Mines-Télécom, the awards strive to reward exceptional scientific contributions at the European level in three areas: digital transformation in industry; energy and environmental engineering; and materials and manufacturing (new for 2019). The deadline for applications is April 23, 2019.   Two prizes The …

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“We must work now to recycle composites”


High-performance composite materials are used in cutting-edge sectors such as energy, aerospace and defense. The majority of these parts have not yet reached the end-of-life stage, but recycling them remains a medium-term issue that must be considered now in order to offer technically efficient and economically viable solutions when the time comes. The issue is one that Marie-France Lacrampe, a …

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BioDigital, a new technology to combat identity spoofing


I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute (TSN), to which Télécom SudParis belongs. The original version of this article was published in French on Télécom SudParis website Following an 18-month collaboration agreement, Télécom SudParis (a member of the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute (TSN) …

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What is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)?


Industry and civil society do not share the same expectations when it comes to connected objects. The Internet of Things (IoT) must therefore adapt to meet industrial demands. These specific adaptations have led to the emergence of a new field: IIoT, or the Industrial Internet of Things. Nicolas Montavont, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, describes the industrial stakes that justify …

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RAMSES: Time keeper for embedded systems


I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute (TSN), to which Télécom ParisTech belongs. Embedded computing systems are sometimes responsible for performing “critical” functions. In the transport industry, they sometimes prevent collisions between two vehicles. To help design these important systems, Étienne Borde, a researcher at …

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Silicon and laser: a brilliant pairing!


Researchers at Télécom ParisTech, in partnership with the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), have developed new optical sources. These thermally-stable, energy-saving lasers offer promising potential for silicon photonics. These new developments offer numerous opportunities for improving very high-speed transmission systems, like datacomms and supercomputers. Their results were published in Applied Physics Letters last summer, a journal edited by AIP …

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