Search Results for: polymer

Cleaning up polluted tertiary wastewater from the agri-food industry with floating wetlands

In 2018, IMT Atlantique researchers launched the FloWAT project, based on a hydroponic system of floating wetlands. It aims to reduce polluting emissions from treated wastewater into the discharge site. Claire Gérente, researcher at IMT Atlantique, has been coordinating the FloWat1 decontamination project, funded by the French National Agency for Research (ANR), since its creation. The main aim of the …

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Technology for improving the recycling of plastics and composites


Plastics and composites aren’t recycled as often as we might wish, as a result of a lack of facilities, the right technologies not yet existing or not being profitable, or hazardous waste deposits. IMT Nord Europe have been working in partnership with manufacturers to develop and improve the available technologies. Plastics and composites get a lot of bad press, but it …

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Covid-19: what could subsurface wave detection mean for the pandemic?

detection covid-19 eaux usées

The detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral infections responsible for Covid-19 allows us to monitor the evolution of the pandemic. Most methods are based on individual patient screening, with the disadvantages of cost and time. Other approaches based on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wastewater have been developed to monitor the trends in infections. Miguel Lopez-Ferber, a researcher at IMT Mines Alès, …

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Carbon-free hydrogen: how to go from gray to green?

hydrogène décarboné carbon-free hydrogen

The industrial roll-out of hydrogen production only makes sense if it emits little or no carbon dioxide. Researchers at IMT schools are working on various alternatives to the use of fossil fuels, such as electrolysis and photocatalysis of water, plasma pyrolysis of methane, and pyrolysis and gasification of biomass. Currently, the production of one ton of hydrogen results in 12 …

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Fuel cells in the hydrogen age

Hydrogen-powered fuel cells are recognized as a clean technology because they do not emit carbon dioxide. As part of the energy transition aimed at transforming our modes of energy consumption and production, the fuel cell therefore has a role to play. This article will look at the technologies, applications and perspectives with Christian Beauger, a researcher specialized in material sciences …

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Arsenic contamination of water: Detection and treatment challenges


Arsenic contamination of water, whether surface water or ground water, affects many parts of France. Such contamination may be the result of anthropogenic causes, linked to mining operations for example, or of natural causes in relation to changes in geological formations, as is the case in many countries such as India, Pakistan and Chili. In partnership with the Nuclear Materials …

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Trains made with recyclable parts

Photographie d'un train Regio2n, même modèle que le démonstrateur en résine thermoplastique développé par le projet Destiny

The Destiny project proposes a new process to manufacture parts for the railway and aeronautical industries. It uses a thermoplastic resin, which enables the materials to be recycled while limiting the pollution associated with manufacturing them.      It is increasingly critical to be able to recycle products so as to lower the environmental cost of their production. The composite …

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Temporary tattoos for brain exploration

A team of bioelectronics researchers at Mines Saint-Étienne has developed a new type of electroencephalogram electrode using a temporary tattoo technique. As effective as traditional electrodes, but much more comfortable, they can provide extended recordings of brain activity over several days.    The famous decalcomania transfer technique – made popular in France by the Malabar chewing gum brand in the …

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A sorting algorithm to improve plastic recycling


Producing high-quality raw materials from waste is contingent on effective sorting. Plastics from waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) are no exception. To help solve this problem, researchers at IMT Mines Alès have developed a selective automation algorithm designed for these plastics. It can be integrated in new industrial-scale sorting machines.   How will your coffee maker be reincarnated after …

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