Search Results for: polymer

Arago, technology platform in optics for the industrial sector

Arago, IMT Atlantique, Jean-Louis de Bougrenet

Arago is a technology platform specializing in applied optics, based at IMT Atlantique’s Brest campus. It provides scientific services and a technical environment for manufacturers in the optics and vision sectors. It has unique expertise in the field of liquid crystals, micro-optics and health.   Are you in the industrial sector or a small business wanting to experiment with a …

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Connected devices enter the piezoelectric generation

Piezoelectric, Cédric Samuel, IMT Lille Douai

Piezoelectric polymers may be key in the manufacturing of future generations of connected devices. Thanks to their capacity to generate electricity under mechanical stress, they could greatly reduce the energy consumption of intelligent sensors and make them autonomous. But in order to achieve this, researchers must be able to make these polymers compatible with classic production techniques in the plastics …

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Gasification, the future of organic waste recovery

Gasification, Pilote, Mines Albi, VALTHERA, Javier Escudero

At a time when the challenge of waste recovery is becoming increasingly evident, gasification is emerging as a promising solution. The process allows organic waste to be decomposed into synthetic gas, which can be burned for energy purposes, or reprocessed to obtain gases of interest, such as methane and hydrogen. Javier Escudero has been studying this virtuous alternative to incineration …

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Roisin Owens scores a hat-trick with the award of a third ERC grant

Roisin Owens received a ERC Consolidator Grant to carry on her work in the filed of bioelectronics.

In December 2016, Roisin Owens received a Consolidator Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). Following her 2011 Starting Grant and her 2014 Proof of Concept Grant, it is therefore the third time the ERC rewards the quality of the projects she leads at Mines Saint-Étienne, in France. Beyond a funding source, this is also a prestigious peer recognition, since …

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Bioplastics: “still a long road to higher performance”

Bioplastics, Mines Douai

As required by environmental transition, materials of the future must be “greener”. Bioplastics in particular have become a main focus of attention, and are often presented as the solution to the pollution caused by the plastics we use every day, which can take hundreds of years to decompose. Patricia Krawczak, a researcher at Mines Douai, studies these new polymers. Yet …

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Flax and hemp among tomorrow’s high-performance composite materials

Chung-Hae Park, Mines Douai, Composite materials

Composite materials are increasingly being used in industry, especially in the transport sectors (automotive and aeronautics). These lightweight and multifunctional materials have great potential for limiting environmental footprint, and will play a major role in the materials of future. At Mines Douai, Chung-Hae Park is contributing to the development of high-performance and economically viable composites. A distinguishing feature of these …

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What is a composite material?

Formula 1, composite material

Composite materials continue to entice researchers and are increasingly being used in transport structures and buildings. Their qualities are stunning, and they are considered to be indispensable in addressing the environmental challenges at hand: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating stronger and more durable building structures, etc. How are these materials designed? What makes them so promising? Sylvain Drapier, a researcher …

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Agro-based composite materials – a Mines area of expertise

Mines Alès, Mines Douai, Agro-based composite materials

The materials of the future need to be more than just high-performance. They must also be environmentally friendly: more recyclable and based on renewable resources. This is why scientists and industrialists are taking a closer look at composite materials developed from plant fibers. They represent a major research focus for Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) schools — especially at Mines Alès and …

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Chung-Hae Park

Matériaux composites, Chung-Hae Park, Mines Douai

IMT Nord Europe | Polymer, CompositeMaterials, BiobasedMaterials, NumericalSimulation, AdvancedManufacturing

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