Search Results for: water

Atmospheric reactive trace gases: low concentrations, major consequences

Despite only being present in very small quantities, trace gases leave their mark on the atmospheric composition. Since they are reactive, they may lead to the formation of secondary compounds such as ozone or aerosols that have a significant impact on health and the climate. IMT Lille Douai is a partner in the ACTRIS H2020 project, which aims to carry …

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H2sys: hydrogen in the energy mix


I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot institute (TSN), to which IMT and Femto Engineering belong. H2sys is helping make hydrogen an energy of the future. This spin-off company from the FCLAB and Femto-ST laboratories in Franche-Comté offers efficient solutions for integrating hydrogen fuel cells. Some …

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Startups AskHub, DessIA and WaToo receive interest-free loans

AskHub DessIA WaToo

On June 7, the Digital Fund of the Grandes Ecoles and Universities Initiative selected three new startups to receive interest-free loans. AskHub and DessIA, from ParisTech Entrepreneurs, the Télécom ParisTech incubator, and WaToo, from the IMT Atlantique incubator, will each receive €20,000 interest-free loans. These financial aid programs co-financed by Fondation Mines-Télécom, la Caisse des Dépôts and Revital’Emploi provide these growing companies …

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Astatine halogen bond finally revealed!

astatine, L'astate montre enfin sa liaison halogène !

Astatine is the last member of the halogen family, which also includes fluorine and chlorine. These chemical elements have a distinct feature: they are able to form an unusual kind of bond with molecules. Yet for astatine, the existence of this specific halogen bond had never before been proven. This is because in its natural state, astatine is the rarest …

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What nuclear risk governance exists in France?

Stéphanie Tillement, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom It will take a long time to learn all the lessons from the Fukushima accident, and even longer to bring about a change in the practices and principles of nuclear risk governance. Yet several major themes are already emerging in France in this respect. Next Sunday, March 11, 2018 will mark the 7-year …

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What is a volatile organic compound (VOC)?

VOC, Volatile organic compound

Pollution in urban areas is a major public health issue. While peaks in the concentration of fine particles often make the news, they are not the only urban pollutants. Volatile organic compounds, or VOC, also present a hazard. Some are carcinogenic, while others react in the atmosphere, contributing to the formation of secondary pollutants such as ozone or secondary aerosols—which …

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eOdyn: technological breakthrough in the observation of ocean surface currents


Existing methods for measuring ocean surface currents are expensive, difficult to implement and limited in the amount of information they can gather. The solution proposed by the eOdyn startup, based on the algorithmic analysis of data from maritime traffic, represents a real technological breakthrough. It is very affordable and more effective, enabling the real-time and delayed observation of marine currents …

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Can digital social innovations tackle big challenges?

ISN, Digital social innovations, innovations sociales numériques

Müge Ozman, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom Digital social innovations (DSI) are booming in Europe, empowering people to solve problems in areas as diverse as social inclusion, health, democracy, education, migration and sustainability. Examples include civic tech, neighbourhood-regeneration platforms, collaborative map-making, civic crowdfunding, peer-to-peer education and online time banks. A wide range of organisations support DSIs, through offering …

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What are the applications for spatial data?

Image satellite Sentinel Bretagne

Several terabytes: this is the phenomenal amount of data produced by the Sentinel satellites each day! How can these data flows be used to develop concrete applications to be used by those who manage territories? This is what spatial application experts focused on at the AppSpace Forum, an event organized by the CNES, GIS BreTel, Booster Morespace and Institut InSpace …

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The brain: seeing between the fibers of white matter

Neural Meta Tracts, brain, white matter, Pietro Gori

The principle behind diffusion imaging and tractography is exploring how water spreads through our brain in order to study the structure of neurons. Doctors can use this method to improve their understanding of brain disease. Pietro Gori, a researcher in image processing at Télécom ParisTech, has just launched a project called Neural Meta Tracts, funded by the Emergence program at …

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