Search Results for: water

Improving heating network performance through modeling

réseau de chaleur, heating networks

At the IMT “Energy in the Digital Revolution” conference held on April 28, Bruno Lacarrière, an energetics researcher with IMT Atlantique, presented modeling approaches for improving the management of heating networks. Combined with digital technology, these approaches support heating distribution networks in the transition towards smart management solutions. The building sector accounts for 40% of European energy consumption. As a …

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Energy performance of buildings: modeling for better efficicency

energy performance, performance énergétique, sanda lefteriu

Sanda Lefteriu, a researcher at IMT Lille-Douai, is working on developing predictive and control models designed for buildings with the aim of improving energy management. A look at the work presented on April 28 at the IMT “Energy in the digital revolution” symposium. Good things come to those who wait. Seven years after the Grenelle 2 law, a decree published …

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5G Will Also Consume Less Energy

Patrice Pajusco, IMT Atlantique, 5G

5G is often presented as a faster technology, as it will need to support broadband mobile usage as well as communication between connected objects. But it will also have to use less energy in order to find its place within the current context of environmental transition. This is the goal of the ANR Trimaran and Spatial Modulation projects, run by …

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Remote sensing explained: from agriculture to major disasters

télédétection, remote sensing

There are numerous applications for remote sensing, from precision agriculture to helping with the deployment of aid in major disasters. Grégoire Mercier, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, explains the key notions of this remote observation method using examples from his research.   Detecting invisible objects from space… this is now possible through remote sensing. This remote observation method is currently …

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TeraLab, a big data platform with a European vision

TeraLab, an IMT platform aimed at accelerating big data projects by uniting researchers and companies, has held the “Silver i-Space” quality label since December 1st, 2016. This label, awarded by the Big Data Value Association, is a guarantee of the quality of the services the platform provides, both at the technical and legal levels. The label testifies to TeraLab’s relevance …

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SMART: radioactive expertise at the service of the environment

Radioactivity, SMART, IMT Atlantique

Nuclear power stations are not the only sources of radioactivity in France. Other sources undeniably include hospitals and the construction industry, for example. Given the potential dangers to health and the environment, such sites have to be permanently tested. SMART, a team of experts in radioactivity from SUBATECH is a necessary third-party actor in this domain. The team brings objectivity …

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Gasification, the future of organic waste recovery

Gasification, Pilote, Mines Albi, VALTHERA, Javier Escudero

At a time when the challenge of waste recovery is becoming increasingly evident, gasification is emerging as a promising solution. The process allows organic waste to be decomposed into synthetic gas, which can be burned for energy purposes, or reprocessed to obtain gases of interest, such as methane and hydrogen. Javier Escudero has been studying this virtuous alternative to incineration …

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Ocean remote sensing: solving the puzzle of missing data

Ocean Remote sensing, data, IMT Atlantique

The satellite measurements that are taken every day rely greatly on atmospheric conditions, the main cause of missing data. In a scientific publication, Ronan Fablet, a researcher at Télécom Bretagne, proposes a new method for reconstructing the temperature of the ocean surface to complete incomplete observations. This reconstructed data provides fine-scale mapping of the homogeneous details that are essential in …

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Removing pollutants from our homes

Pollutants, Département SAGE, Mines Douai, Frédéric Thévenet, COV

Indoor air is polluted with several volatile organic compounds, some of which are carcinogenic. Frédéric Thévenet, a researcher at Mines Douai, develops solutions for trapping and eliminating these pollutants, and for improving tests for air purifying devices.   We spend nearly 90% of our time inside: at home, at the office, at school, or in our car. Yet the air …

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Bioplastics: “still a long road to higher performance”

Bioplastics, Mines Douai

As required by environmental transition, materials of the future must be “greener”. Bioplastics in particular have become a main focus of attention, and are often presented as the solution to the pollution caused by the plastics we use every day, which can take hundreds of years to decompose. Patricia Krawczak, a researcher at Mines Douai, studies these new polymers. Yet …

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