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Intelligent transport systems: juggling with communication methods to stay connected

YoGoKo Systèmes de transport intelligents

YoGoKo is a Brittany-based start-up specializing in the field of cooperative intelligent transport systems (ITS). It markets a multipurpose communication box with multiple access technologies, associated with a services and intelligent communication management platform, which ensures permanent connectivity between vehicles and road infrastructures. The idea is to use several communication standards, either simultaneously or in accordance with their availability, in …

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Marine pollution as seen by ultrafast cameras

Marine pollution

Ultrafast cameras unveil processes that are invisible to the naked eye. At Mines Alès, Pierre Slangen, a specialist in applied optics, uses them to build advanced technology devices and thus to understand how gases and liquids are diffused during environmental disasters.     Certain physical phenomena occur in such small time scales that they remain practically invisible without the use …

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Biomechanics serving healthcare

Biomécanique au service de la santé

Stéphane Avril, a researcher at Mines Saint-Étienne, describes himself as a “biomechanics” but would like to become a “mechanobiologist”, a switch from studying the mechanical properties of the body to decoding its biological mechanisms using engineering tools. Focused in particular on analysis of the behavior of normal and pathological vessels, his work should have significant consequences on treatment for various …

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Responsible lighting: the secrets to a good eco-innovation strategy

On February 11, 2015 an open workshop will be held in Brussels to present the results of the European cycLED project. This research program has supported four SMEs in the lighting sector in their eco-innovation projects aimed at designing more efficient LEDs, from both an economic and an ecological point of view. Cédric Gossart, a researcher at Télécom École de …

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Recovering uranium without digging: in situ leaching

In light of the increasing economic value of underground resources, and the environmental problems caused by disused mines, research into alternative solutions for extracting raw materials is rapidly increasing. One solution being studied is in situ leaching for recovering uranium. During the Natural Resources and Environment conference that took place November 5-6, 2014 at Institut Mines-Télécom, Vincent Lagneau, a researcher …

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Recycling concrete and sediment to create new materials

Mines Douai, Concrete, sediments

How can we meet the needs for construction materials in an environmentally responsible manner? Recycling could be the solution, but it is not yet easy to create high-performance and eco-friendly materials using waste. At the conference on Natural Resources and Environment, which took place on November 5-6 2014 at Institut Mines-Télécom, Vincent Thiéry, a researcher at Mines Douai, presented two …

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Geosciences and the environment: the challenges of geological storage

Geological storage, stockage géologique

Geological storage is a field of expertise offered by the Institut Mines-Télécom schools’ research centers. During the Natural resources and environment conference held on November 5-6, 2014 at Institut Mines-Télécom, Vincent Lagneau, Assistant Director of the Mines ParisTech Research Center for Geosciences, spoke at a plenary session on “Underground storage and recycling”. He presented the benefits and key issues of …

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Automated learning from data

Stéphan Clémençon, Automated Learning

Big Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, Institut Mines-Télécom has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine Learning is one such approach. It is being researched by Stéphan Clémençon, Professor …

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Textiles and connected people

Christian Person, textiles, connected people

The quantified self is one of the fields of research at Institut Mines-Télécom, requiring the miniaturization of sensors, the optimization of their energy consumption and sometimes their incorporation into the fabric of clothing. Christian Person, a researcher at Télécom Bretagne, has developed a research activity into this direction, focusing on harvesting ambient energy and locating antennas as close to the …

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Towards a smart electricity network

For several years, Smart Grids have been the hot topic in the energy field. As current networks become less and less adapted to new energy issues, we need to thoroughly rethink energy management and introduce smarter electricity networks. These networks of the future should be able to adapt production to consumption as precisely as possible, taking into account new parameters …

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