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Koovea: an intelligent system for monitoring temperature-sensitive drugs


Koovea offers a service for monitoring temperature-sensitive drugs that ensures safe packaging conditions throughout the entire shipping process. The startup has just raised €60K through Créalia Occitanie. The interest-free loan will help the startup finance its R&D and strengthen its own capital before launching its product in June 2018.   One out of every two drugs is temperature-sensitive. These fragile …

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Healthcare: what makes some connected objects a success and others a flop?

connected objects

Christine Balagué, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (ex Télécom École de Management) Wearing the Oura connected ring on your finger day and night can help you find out how well you sleep. A connected patch diabetics wear on their arms enables them to monitor their blood sugar levels without pricking their fingers. On February 9, these two objects received one of the mobile …

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What is an eco-material?

eco-material, Gwenn Le Saout, IMT Mines Alès

Reducing the environmental footprint of human constructions is one of the major issues facing the ecological transition. Achieving this goal requires the use of eco-materials. Gwenn Le Saout, a researcher in materials at IMT Mines Alès, explains what these materials are, their advantages and the remaining constraints that prevent their large-scale use.   How would you define an eco-material? Gwenn Le …

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Raphaël Troncy

EURECOM | #ArtificialIntelligence #Data #SemanticWeb Raphaël Troncy is an Associate Professor in the Data Science department at EURECOM. He got his PhD from Grenoble University (France) in 2004 and had research positions at INA (Institut national de l’audiovisuel, France), CNR (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italia) and CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, The Netherlands). He published nearly 250 scientific papers in …

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Seamless vacations thanks to a research lab


For four years now, researchers from EURECOM and the startup Data-Moove have worked together to radically improve the tourist experience in various regions. With help from technological innovations from laboratories, they have succeeded in aggregating the information available on the web and social networks to create a local and comprehensive picture of what a geographical area has to offer.   …

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Taking 3D printing to the next level

Lascala, 3D printing, additive manufacturing

At the beginning of 2018, IMT Lille Douai unveiled an additive manufacturing platform dedicated to manufacturing large-scale parts: LASCALA. This equipment is a worldwide innovation.  Its capacity to use any type of polymer even enables it to print 3D composite parts measuring several meters. The scientific challenge has been successfully met and has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for …

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New interest-free loans for startups Cyrating, Galanck, myLabel and WaryMe

interest-free loans

On February 8, 2018, the approval committee for the Digital Fund of the Graduate Schools and Universities Initiative chose four new startups to receive loans for amounts up to €40,000 with a 0% interest rate. Cyrating, which was founded through the ParisTech Entrepreneurs incubator, Galanck and myLabel, both of which were developed through the IMT Starter (Télécom Sud Paris and Télécom École de Management), and WaryMe, …

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23 startups from IMT incubators at VivaTechnology 2018


The VivaTechnology trade show offers three days to discover the most promising startups in the tech sector. For IMT, this is the perfect opportunity for highlighting its comprehensive support and entrepreneurship services and presenting 23 startups from its schools’ incubators. These startups come from sectors including mobility, smart cities, AI, fashion, media and cybersecurity. Mark your calendars for May 24 …

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How eco-design earned its place in the corporate world


Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom In the 1970s, regulations were introduced to require companies to prevent industrial pollution. Examples include the Clean Air Act (1970) in the United States and legislation on facilities classified for the protection of the environment in France (1976). Since then, awareness has grown about the impacts industry has on the environment, and companies’ …

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