Search Results for: smart clothing

Coming soon: new ways to interact with machines

HMI, human-machine interactions

Our electronic and computing devices are becoming smaller, more adapted to our needs, and closer to us physically. From the very first heavy, stationary and complex computers, we have moved on to our smartphones, ever at the ready. What innovations can we next expect? Éric Lecolinet, researcher in human-machine interactions at Télécom ParisTech, answers our questions about this rapidly changing …

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Julien Bras: nature is his playground

Young Scientist Prize, julien bras, biomaterial

Cellulose is one of the most abundant molecules in nature. At the nanoscale, its properties allow it to be used for promising applications in several fields. Julien Bras, a chemist at Grenoble INP, is working to further develop the use of this biomaterial. On November 21st he received the IMT-Académie des Sciences Young Scientist Prize at the official awards ceremony held in …

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Textiles and connected people

Christian Person, textiles, connected people

The quantified self is one of the fields of research at Institut Mines-Télécom, requiring the miniaturization of sensors, the optimization of their energy consumption and sometimes their incorporation into the fabric of clothing. Christian Person, a researcher at Télécom Bretagne, has developed a research activity into this direction, focusing on harvesting ambient energy and locating antennas as close to the …

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