Search Results for: neural networks

Is there intelligence in artificial intelligence?

intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence

Jean-Louis Dessalles, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Nearly a decade ago, in 2012, the scientific world was enthralled by the achievements of deep learning.  Three years later, this technique enabled the AlphaGo program to beat Go champions. And this frightened some people. Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates were worried about an imminent end to the human race, replaced by out-of-control artificial intelligence. …

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Digital simulation: applications, from medicine to energy

digital simulation

At Mines Saint-Étienne, Yann Gavet uses image simulation to study the characteristics of an object. This method is more economical in terms of time and cost, and eliminates the need for experimental measurements. This field, at the intersection of mathematics, computer science and algorithms, is used for a variety of applications ranging from the medical sector to the study of …

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Shedding some light on black box algorithms

Eclairer boites noires, algorithms

In recent decades, algorithms have become increasingly complex, particularly through the introduction of deep learning architectures. This has gone hand in hand with increasing difficulty in explaining their internal functioning, which has become an important issue, both legally and socially. Winston Maxwell, legal researcher, and Florence d’Alché-Buc, researcher in machine learning, who both work for Télécom Paris, describe the current challenges involved …

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When AI keeps an ear on nursing home residents


The OSO-AI start-up has recently completed a €4 million funding round. Its artificial intelligence solution that can detect incidents such as falls or cries for help has convinced investors, along with a number of nursing homes in which it has been installed. This technology was developed in part through the work of Claude Berrou, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, and …

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Locked-down world, silent cities

silent cities project

Last spring, France decided to impose a lockdown to respond to the health crisis. Our cities came to a standstill and cars disappeared from the streets, allowing residents to rediscover quieter sounds like birdsong. A team of researchers decided to take advantage of this calm that suddenly settled over our lives to better understand the impacts of sound pollution, and …

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DAGOBAH: Tables, AI will understand


Human activities produce massive amounts of raw data presented in the form of tables. In order to understand these tables quickly, EURECOM and Orange are developing DAGOBAH, a semantic annotation platform. It aims to develop a generic solution that can optimize AI applications such as personal assistants, and facilitate the management of complex data sets of any company.   On …

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Smarter models of the ocean

Photographie de l'océan

The ocean is a system that is difficult to observe, whose biodiversity and physical phenomena we still know very little about. Artificial intelligence could be an asset in understanding this environment better. Ronan Fablet, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, presents the projects of the new Océanix Research Chair. What is the objective? To use AI to optimize models for observing the ocean.   …

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Understanding the resilience of the immune system through mathematical modeling

immune system

Gaining insight into how the immune system works using mathematics is the ultimate goal of the research carried out by IMT Atlantique researcher Dominique Pastor, along with his team. Although the study involves a great degree of abstraction, the scientists never lose sight of practical applications, and not only in relation to biology.   In many industries, the notion of …

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The unintelligence of artificial intelligence


Despite the significant advances made by artificial intelligence, it still struggles to copy human intelligence. Artificial intelligence remains focused on performing tasks, without understanding the meaning of its actions, and its limitations are therefore evident in the event of a change of context or when the time comes to scale up. Jean-Louis Dessalles outlines these problems in his latest book …

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Light, a possible solution for a sustainable AI

lumière, intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence, AI

Maurizio Filippone, Professor at EURECOM, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) We are currently witnessing a rapidly growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives, which has the potential to translate into a variety of societal changes, including improvements to economy, better living conditions, easier access to education, well-being, and entertainment. Such a much anticipated future, however, is tainted with issues …

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