Search Results for: atmosphere

What’s new in the atmosphere?


In conjunction with the 4th National Conference on Air Quality held in Montrouge on 9 and 10 October 2018, I’MTech sat down with François Mathé, a researcher in atmospheric sciences at IMT Lille Douai to ask him five questions. He gave us a glimpse of the major changes ahead in terms of measuring and monitoring air pollutants. Between revising the …

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Easier access to research infrastructure for the European atmospheric science community

Improving access to large facilities for research on climate and air quality and optimizing use are the objectives of the European ATMO-ACCESS project. Véronique Riffault and Stéphane Sauvage, researchers at IMT Nord Europe, one of the project’s 38 partner institutions, explain the issues involved. What was the context for developing the ATMO-ACCESS project? Stéphane Sauvage – The ATMO-ACCESS project responds to a H2020-INFRAIA …

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Our indoor air is polluted, but new materials could provide solutions

air intérieur

Frédéric Thévenet, IMT Lille Douai – Institut Mines-Télécom We spend 80% of our lives in enclosed spaces, whether at home, at work or in transit. We are therefore very exposed to this air, which is often more polluted than outdoor air. The issue of health in indoor environments is thus associated with chronic exposure to pollutants and to volatile organic …

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Smarter models of the ocean

Photographie de l'océan

The ocean is a system that is difficult to observe, whose biodiversity and physical phenomena we still know very little about. Artificial intelligence could be an asset in understanding this environment better. Ronan Fablet, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, presents the projects of the new Océanix Research Chair. What is the objective? To use AI to optimize models for observing the ocean.   …

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The world’s oldest building material is also the most environmentally friendly


The original version of this article was published on The Conversation.  By Abdelhak Maachi and Rodolphe Sonnier, IMT Mines Alès. Despite the recommendations of IPCC experts, who in 2018 recommended that greenhouse gas emissions be reduced by 40 to 70% by 2050 in an attempt to limit the impacts of the climate crisis, global CO2 output increased by 0.6% in 2019. Among the efforts made …

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Guillaume Balarac, turbulence simulator

Guillaume Balarac

Turbulence is a mysterious phenomenon in fluid mechanics. Although it has been observed and studied for centuries, it still holds secrets that physicists and mathematicians strive to unlock. Guillaume Balarac is part of this research community. A researcher at Grenoble INP (at the LEGI Geophysical and Industrial Flows Laboratory), he uses and improves simulations to understand turbulent flows better. His …

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Recycling carbon fibre composites: a difficult task

carbon fibre

Carbon fibre composite materials are increasingly widespread, and their use continues to rise every year. Recycling these materials remains difficult, but is nevertheless necessary at the European level for environmental, economic and legislative reasons. At IMT Mines Albi, researchers are working on a new method: vapo-thermolysis. While this process offers promising results, there are many steps to be taken before a …

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In search of forgotten cements


Out of the 4 billion tons of cement produced every year, the overwhelming majority is Portland cement.  Invented over 200 years ago in France by Louis Vicat — then patented by Englishman Joseph Aspdin —Portland is a star in the world of building materials. Its almost unparalleled durability has allowed it to outperform its competitors, so much so that the …

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Digital sovereignty: can the Russian Internet cut itself off from the rest of the world?

Russian internet

This article was originally published in French in The Conversation, an international collaborative news website of scientific expertise, of which IMT is a partner.  Article written by Benjamin Loveluck (Télécom ParisTech), Francesca Musiani (Sorbonne Université), Françoise Daucé (EHESS), and Ksenia Ermoshina (CNRS). The Internet infrastructure is based on the principle of the internationalization of equipment and data and information flows. Elements …

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Serious games: when games invade the classroom

serious games

Over the last few years, a new teaching method linked to the invasion of digital technology in our daily lives has begun shaking up traditional learning methods. The primary purpose of these serious games is not entertainment. The developing sector does not seek to substitute, but rather supplement—or at least earn its place—in the arsenal of existing educational tools. Imed …

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