Search Results for: artificial intelligence

Is there intelligence in artificial intelligence?

intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence

Jean-Louis Dessalles, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Nearly a decade ago, in 2012, the scientific world was enthralled by the achievements of deep learning.  Three years later, this technique enabled the AlphaGo program to beat Go champions. And this frightened some people. Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates were worried about an imminent end to the human race, replaced by out-of-control artificial intelligence. …

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The unintelligence of artificial intelligence


Despite the significant advances made by artificial intelligence, it still struggles to copy human intelligence. Artificial intelligence remains focused on performing tasks, without understanding the meaning of its actions, and its limitations are therefore evident in the event of a change of context or when the time comes to scale up. Jean-Louis Dessalles outlines these problems in his latest book …

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Artificial Intelligence: TeraLab becomes a European “Digital Innovation Hub”

digital Innovation Hub

TeraLab becomes one of the 30 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) selected by the European Union in artificial intelligence. This new recognition consolidates the place of the IMT’s TeraLab platform in the field of AI as well as its impact on business transformation.   On February 28 last year, the European Commission, via the AI DIH Network project, recognized TeraLab as …

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From personal data to artificial intelligence: who benefits from our clicking?


Clicking, liking, sharing: all of our digital activities produce data. This information, which is collected and monetized by big digital information platforms, is on its way to becoming the virtual black gold of the 21st century. Have we all become digital workers? Digital labor specialist and Télécom ParisTech researcher Antonio Casilli has recently published a work entitled En attendant les …

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Artificial Intelligence hiding behind your computer screen!

Aizimov BEYABLE startup artificial intelligence

Far from the dazzle of intelligent humanoid robots and highly effective chatbots, artificial intelligence is now used in many ordinary products and services. In the software and websites consumers use on a daily basis, AI is being used to improve the use of digital technology. This new dynamic is perfectly illustrated by two startups incubated at Télécom ParisTech: BEYABLE and …

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What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic. In late March, the French government organized a series of events dedicated to this theme, the most notable of which was the publication of the report “For a Meaningful Artificial Intelligence,” written by Cédric Villani, a mathematician and member of the French parliament. The buzz around AI coincides with companies’ and scientists’ renewed …

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DessIA: Engineering of the Future with Artificial Intelligence


What is the best architecture for the gearbox of a hybrid car? If an engineer had to answer that question, he would consider a handful of possibilities based on what already exists on the market. But the startup DessIA takes a whole different approach. Its artificial intelligence algorithms enable it to consider billions of different architectures to find the optimum …

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23 terms to help understand artificial intelligence

25 termes, Intelligence artificielle, IA, AI

Neural networks, predictive parsing, chatbots, data analysis, machine learning, etc. The 8th Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet provides a glossary of 23 terms to clarify some of the terms used in artificial intelligence (AI).   AI winters – Moments in the history of AI, in which doubts overshadowed previous enthusiasm. API – (Application Programming Interface), a standardized set of methods by which a software program provides …

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Simplicity theory: teaching relevance to artificial intelligences

Jean-Louis Dessalles, Claude Shannon, Simplicity theory

The simplicity theory is founded on humans’ sensitivity to variations in complexity. Something that seems overly simple suddenly becomes interesting. This concept, which was developed by Jean-Louis Dessalles from Télécom ParisTech, challenges Shannon’s probabilistic method for describing certain information. Using this new approach, he can explain events that are otherwise inexplicable, such as creativity, decision-making, coincidence, or “if only I …

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Artificial Intelligence: learning driven by children’s curiosity

Mai Nguyen, Artificial Intelligence, Children's curiosity

At Télécom Bretagne, Mai Nguyen is drawing on the way children learn in order to develop a new form of artificial intelligence. She is hoping to develop robots capable of adapting to their environment by imitating the curiosity humans have at the start of their lives.   During the first years of life, humans develop at an extremely fast pace. …

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