Search Results for: Shannon

Claude Shannon, a legacy transcending digital technology

Claude Shannon, a major scientist from the second half of the 20th century, marked his era with his communication theory. His work triggered a digital metamorphosis that today affects all levels of our societies. To celebrate what would have been Shannon’s 100th birthday this year, the Institut Henri Poincaré will pay tribute to the scientist with a conference on October …

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SONATA: an approach to make data sound better


Telecommunications must transport data at an ever-faster pace to meet the needs of current technologies. But this data can be voluminous and difficult to transport at times. Communication channels are congested and transmission limits are reached quickly. Marios Kountouris, a telecommunications researcher at EURECOM, has recently received ERC funding to launch his SONATA project. It aims to shift the paradigm for processing …

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Millimeter waves for mobile broadband

Une ondes millimétriques, millimeter waves

5G will inevitably involve opening new frequency bands allowing operators to increase their data flows. Millimeter waves are among the favorites, as they have many advantages: large bandwidth, adequate range, and small antennas. Whether or not they are opened will depend on whether they live up to expectations. The European project H2020 TWEETHER is trying to demonstrate precisely this point. …

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Sébastien Bigo: setting high-speed records

optical communications

Driven by his desire to take the performance of fiber optics to the next level, Sébastien Bigo has revolutionized the world of telecommunications. His work carried out at Nokia Bell Labs has now set nearly 30 world records for the bandwidth and distance of optical communications. Some examples: the first communication transmitted at a rate of 10 terabits per second. …

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The fundamentals of language: why do we talk?

Langage, Language, Intelligence artificielle, Jean-Louis Dessalles, Artificial Intelligence

Human language is a mystery. In a society where information is so valuable, why do we talk to others without expecting anything in return? Even more intriguing than this are the processes determining communication, whether that be a profound debate or a spontaneous conversation with an acquaintance. These are the questions driving Jean-Louis Dessalles’ current project, a researcher in computing …

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On computer science : Turbo in the algo

Algo, Turbocodes, Claude Berrou, Turbocodes, IMT Atlantique

Serge Abiteboul, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and Christine Froidevaux, Université Paris Sud – Université Paris-Saclay A new “Interview on Computer Science”. Serge Abiteboul and Christine Froidevaux interview Claude Berrou, computer engineer and electronics engineer, and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Claude Berrou is a professor at IMT Atlantique. He is best known for his work on turbo codes, which has been used extensively in …

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Simplicity theory: teaching relevance to artificial intelligences

Jean-Louis Dessalles, Claude Shannon, Simplicity theory

The simplicity theory is founded on humans’ sensitivity to variations in complexity. Something that seems overly simple suddenly becomes interesting. This concept, which was developed by Jean-Louis Dessalles from Télécom ParisTech, challenges Shannon’s probabilistic method for describing certain information. Using this new approach, he can explain events that are otherwise inexplicable, such as creativity, decision-making, coincidence, or “if only I …

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What are turbo codes?

Trubo codes, Claude Berrou, Quèsaco, IMT Atlantique

Turbo codes form the basis of mobile communications in 3G and 4G networks. Invented in 1991 by Claude Berrou, and published in 1993 with Alain Glavieux and Punya Thitimajshima, they have now become a reference point in the field of information and communication technologies. As Télécom Bretagne, birthplace of these “error-correcting codes”, prepares to host the 9th international symposium on …

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