Search Results for: RFID

Étienne Perret, IMT-Académie des sciences Young Scientist prize

What if barcodes disappeared from our supermarket items? Étienne Perret, a researcher in radio-frequency electronics at Grenoble INP, works on identification technologies. His work over recent years has focused on the development of RFID without electronic components, commonly known as chipless RFID. The technology aims to offer some of the advantages of classical RFID but at a similar cost to …

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20 terms for understanding the environmental impact of digital technology

environmental impact

While digital technology plays an essential role in our daily lives, it also a big consumer of resources. To explore the compatibility between the digital and environmental transitions, Institut Mines-Télécom and Fondation Mines-Télécom are publishing their 12th annual brochure entitled Numérique : Enjeux industriels et impératifs écologiques (Digital Technology: Industrial Challenges and Environmental Imperatives). This glossary of 20 terms taken …

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Emergency logistics for field hospitals

field hospitals, hôpitaux de campagne

European field hospitals, or temporary medical care stations, are standing by and ready to be deployed throughout the world in the event of a major disaster. The HOPICAMP project, of which IMT Mines Alès is one of the partners, works to improve the logistics of these temporary medical centers and develop telemedicine tools and training for health care workers. Their …

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The security challenges of open IT systems

Télécom SudParis, Maryline Laurent, Cybersécurité, Sécurité, Security, CVPIP

In today’s society, IT security systems are seriously put to the test: cloud data storage, the omnipresence of micro chips, social networking… Not only does constant communication via networks expose cryptographic systems to multitudes of threatening connections, but security mechanisms must also now function on devices with weak computing capacity, such as mobile phones. The older algorithms are under strain, …

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