Search Results for: Navid Nikaein

5G-Victori: large-scale tests for vertical industries


Twenty-five European partners have joined together in the three-year 5G-Victori project launched in June 2019. They are conducting large-scale trials for advanced use case validation in commercially relevant 5G environments. Navid Nikaein, researcher at EURECOM, key partner of the 5G-Victori project, details the challenges here.   What was the context for developing the European 5G-Victori project? Navid Nikaein: 5G-Victori stands …

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Q4Health: a network slice for emergency medicine


How can emergency response services be improved? The H2020 Q4Health project raised this question. The European consortium that includes EURECOM, the University of Malaga and RedZinc has demonstrated the possibility to relay video between first responders at an emergency scene and doctors located remotely. To do so, the researchers had to develop innovative tools for 4G network slicing. This work …

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