Search Results for: Ethique

The ethical challenges of digital identity

digital identity

Article written in partnership with The Conversation. By Armen Khatchatourov and Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School The GDPR recently came into effect, confirming Europe’s role as an example in personal data protection. However, we must not let it dissuade us from examining issues of identity, which have been redefined in this digital era. This means thinking critically about major ethical and philosophical issues that …

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Ethical algorithms in health: a technological and societal challenge

Since the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare brought on by IBM’s Watson, many questions on bias and discrimination in algorithms have emerged. Photo: Wikimedia.

The possibilities offered by algorithms and artificial intelligence in the healthcare field raise many questions. What risks do they pose? How can we ensure that they have a positive impact on the patient as an individual? What safeguards can be put in place to ensure that the values of our healthcare system are respected?   A few years ago, Watson, …

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Rethinking ethics in social networks research

ethics, social networks, éthique, Antonio Cailli, Télécom ParisTech

Antonio A. Casilli, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, University of Paris-Saclay and Paola Tubaro, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Research into social media is booming, fueled by increasingly powerful computational and visualization tools. However, it also raises some ethical and deontological issues that tend to escape the existing regulatory framework. The economic implications of large scale data platforms, the active participation of …

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