Search Results for: eau

Research and economic impacts: “intelligent together”

Godefroy Beauvallet, Innovation, Economics

What connections currently exist between the world of academic research and the economic sphere? Does the boundary between applied research and fundamental research still have any meaning at a time when the very concept of collaboration is being reinterpreted? Godefroy Beauvallet, Director of Innovation at IMT and Vice Chairman of the National Digital Technology Council provides some possible answers to …

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The Internet of Things in the European Ecosystem

European, Chair on Values and Policies of Personal Information

The Internet of Things is fast becoming a vast field of experimentation with possibilities that are yet to be taken advantage of, thanks to major technological advances promoting the miniaturization of sensors and the speed of digital exchanges. It is also thanks to services in our digitalized daily life that there will soon be dozens of these new objects in …

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City4age, the elderly-friendly H2020 project

In the framework of the European research program H2020, the Institut Mines-Telecom is taking part in the project « City4age ». The latter is meant to offer a smart city model adapted to the elderly. Through non-intrusive technologies, the aim is to improve their quality of life and to facilitate the action of Health Services. The researcher and director of the IPAL[1], …

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Digital transition: the music industry reviews its progress

music, Marc Bourreau, Télécom ParisTech

The music industry – the sector hit hardest by digitization – now seems to have completed the transformation that was initiated by digital technology. With the rise of streaming music, there has been a shift in the balance of power. Producers now look for revenue from sources other than record sales, and algorithms constitute the differentiating factor in the wide …

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When information science assists artificial intelligence

Vincent Gripon, IMT Atlantique, Information science, Artificial Intelligence, AI

The brain, information science, and artificial intelligence: Vincent Gripon is focusing his research at Télécom Bretagne on these three areas. By developing models that explain how our cortex stores information, he intends to inspire new methods of unsupervised learning. On October 4, he will be presenting his research on the renewal of artificial intelligence at a conference organized by the …

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French Tech Ticket : IMT incubators go global!

french tech ticket 660x330

The incubators at Télécom Bretagne, Télécom SudParis and Télécom Business School have been selected for the second edition of the French Tech Ticket operation. This international program allows foreign start-ups to be hosted by the incubators at these IMT schools over a 12-month period.   70. That’s the number of foreign start-ups that will be hosted from January 2017 by …

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Aid in interpreting medical images

Medical images, Isabelle Bloch, Télécom ParisTech

Reading and understanding computerized tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images is a task for specialists. Nevertheless, tools exist which may help medical doctors interpret medical images and make diagnoses. Treatment and surgery planning are also made easier by the visualization of the organs and identification of areas to irradiate or avoid. Isabelle Bloch, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech …

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The brain: the mechanics of convolutions

Croquis cerveau

Why do our brains have so many folds? The answer to this question is far from simple. In fact, the answer only came at the beginning of 2016, from a team of researchers including members from Harvard University and Télécom Bretagne. Unlike some of the theories previously proposed, this answer has nothing to do with genetics. The convolutions in our …

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ALICE sees the origins of the universe in a quark-gluon plasma droplet

Le détecteur ALICE.

ALICE, the Cern experiment in charge of studying the quark-gluon plasma, restarted its main activities on November 17. Based in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland, ALICE mission is to track each single particle ejected when lead ions collide. Thanks to the “Run 2” upgrade that occurred at the LHC in early 2015, such collisions are now more energetic, …

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