Search Results for: Big data

From human feelings to digital emotions


Making powerful machines is no longer enough. They must also connect with humans socially and emotionally. This imperative to increase the efficiency of human-computer interactions has created a new field of research: social computing. This field is aimed at understanding, modeling and reproducing human emotions. But how can an emotion be extracted and then reproduced, based only on a vocal …

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Ioan-Mihai Miron: Magnetism and Memory

Mihai Miron

Ioan Mihai Miron’s research in spintronics focuses on new magnetic systems for storing information. The research carried out at Spintec laboratory in Grenoble is still young, having begun in 2011. However, it already represents major potential in addressing the current limits facing technology in terms of our computers’ memory. The research also offers a solution to problems experienced by magnetic …

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Audrey Francisco-Bosson, particle tracker

Audrey Francisco Bosson

Audrey Francisco-Bosson has just won a L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Scholarship. This well-deserved award is in recognition of the young researcher’s PhD work in fundamental physics, carried out at the Subatech laboratory at IMT Atlantique. By exploring the furthest depths of matter through the eyes of the ALICE detector of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, Audrey Francisco-Bosson …

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What is digital simulation?

digital simulation

Digital simulation has become an almost mandatory step in developing new products. But what does “simulating behavior” or “modeling an event” really mean? Marius Preda, a computer science researcher at Télécom SudParis, explains what’s hiding behind these common industry expressions.   What is digital simulation used for? Marius Preda: Its main goal is to reduce prototyping costs for manufacturers. Instead …

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The economy of promises, how to fall in love with a growth rate


Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School This article was published in association with the “Does progress have a future?” series of conferences organized by the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, from Tuesday 15 to 26 May 2018. Over a two-week period, groups of students, a panel of citizens and scientists, historians and philosophers shared their views and debated the …

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OMNI: transferring social sciences and humanities to the digital society


I’MTech is dedicating a series of articles to success stories from research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique Carnot Institute (TSN), to which IMT Atlantique belongs. Technology transfer also exists in social sciences and the humanities! The OMNI platform in Brittany proves this by placing its research activities at the service of organizations. Attached to the Breton scientific …

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GDPR: towards values and policies


On May 25th, the GDPR came into effect. This new regulation requires administrations and companies in the 27 EU countries to comply with the law on the protection of personal data. Since its creation in 2013, the IMT Research Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information (CVPIP) aims to help businesses, citizens and public authorities in their reflections on the …

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The End of Web Neutrality: The End of the Internet?


Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay At end 2017, a decision issued by the  Federal Communication Commission (FCC), the American agency responsible for regulating the American telecom sector (equivalent of the French ARCEP and the European BEREC), has changed the status of American Internet service providers. However, this change cannot take place in Europe due to the …

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Protecting ships against modern-day pirates


Cybersecurity, long viewed as a secondary concern for naval systems, has become increasingly important in recent years. Ships can no longer be seen as isolated objects at sea, naturally protected from cyber-attacks. Yvon Kermarrec, a researcher in computer science at IMT Atlantique, leads a research chair on cybersecurity in partnership with the French Naval School, Thales and Naval Group. He …

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A digital twin of the aorta to prevent aneurysm rupture


15,000 Europeans die each year from rupture of an aneurysm in the aorta. Stéphane Avril and his team at Mines Saint-Étienne are working to better prevent this. To do so, they develop a digital twin of the artery of a patient with an aneurysm. This 3D model makes it possible to simulate the evolution of an aneurysm over time, and …

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