Search Results for: environment

Innovating to improve radioactive waste management


The PREDIS European project aims to develop innovative activities for the management of radioactive waste, for which there is currently no solution. IMT Atlantique is one of the project’s seven work package leaders and will contribute to research on innovative approaches for the treatment and conditioning of metallic waste. Abdesselam Abdelouas, a researcher working on the project at IMT Atlantique, gives us …

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The end or beginning of third places?

Photographie en terasse, tiers-lieux, sociabilité, third places

After our homes and workplaces, the social environments in which we spend time are referred to as third places. These are places for gathering, adventures – but at the same time, of safety, security and control. In the following article Müge Özman[1], Mélissa Boudes[2], Cynthia Srnec (FESP-MGEN)[3], Nicolas Jullien[4] and Cédric Gossart[5], members of IMT’s INESS idea lab, explore our …

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Testing the efficiency of protective masks

surgical masks

A Mines Saint-Étienne and Jean-Monnet University laboratory has been accredited to certify the bacterial filtration efficiency of surgical masks. Jérémie Pourchez, a researcher in healthcare engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne, describes this specific aspects of this expertise. He also explains why it is worth considering opening these tests up to the fabric masks worn by general public.   The Covid-19 pandemic …

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Gaia-X: a sovereign, interoperable European cloud network


France and Germany have unveiled the Gaia-X project, which aims to harmonize cloud services in Europe to facilitate data sharing between different parties. It also seeks to reduce companies’ dependence on cloud service providers, which are largely American. For Europe, this project is therefore an opportunity to regain sovereignty over its data.   “When a company chooses a cloud service …

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What is NFV (Network Function Virtualization) ?

NFV, Import et export dans le cloud, virtualisation.

The development of 5G has been made possible through the development of new technologies. The role of Network Function Virtualization, or NFV, is to virtualize network equipment. Adlen Ksentini, a researcher at EURECOM, gives us a detailed overview of this virtualization.   What is NFV ? Adlen Ksentini:  NFV is the virtualization of network functions, a system that service providers and …

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STREAM: Bone tissue model culture


The STREAM project, which Mikhaël Hadida is working on at Mines Saint-Étienne, aims to develop a controlled, carefully-managed bone tissue culture platform. This system would facilitate observation in order to study the mechanisms involved in bone tissue by reducing the costs and time required for research.     A culture system for bone tissue models in a controlled environment that …

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The worrying trajectory of energy consumption by digital technology

energy consumption

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School In November, the General Council for the Economy, Industry, Energy and Technology (CGEIET) published a report on the energy consumption of digital technology in France. The study draws up an inventory of equipment and lists consumption, making an estimate of the total volume. The results are rather reassuring, at first glance. Compared to 2008, this new …

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5G-Victori: large-scale tests for vertical industries


Twenty-five European partners have joined together in the three-year 5G-Victori project launched in June 2019. They are conducting large-scale trials for advanced use case validation in commercially relevant 5G environments. Navid Nikaein, researcher at EURECOM, key partner of the 5G-Victori project, details the challenges here.   What was the context for developing the European 5G-Victori project? Navid Nikaein: 5G-Victori stands …

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Digital technologies: three major categories of risks

digital technologies

Lamiae Benhayoun, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School and Imed Boughzala, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School To respond to an environment of technological disruption, companies are increasingly taking steps toward digital transformation or digitalization, with spending on such efforts expected to be USD 2 trillion in 2022. Digitalization reflects a profound, intentional restructuring of companies’ capabilities, resources and value-creating activities in order to …

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Twin ERC grants for research on the aorta


In 2015, the Mines Saint-Étienne engineering and health center was awarded two grants by the European Research Council (ERC). This funding was for two five-year projects on ruptured aortic aneurysms in the Sainbiose laboratory[1]. Pierre Badel received a €1.5 million starting grant (young researcher grant), and Stéphane Avril received a €2 million consolidator grant (for putting together a research team). 2020 marks the end of their grants …

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