Search Results for: health

How will we interact with the virtual reality?


The ways we interact with technology change over time and adapt to fit different contexts, bringing new constraints and possibilities. Jan Gugenheimer is a researcher at Télécom Paris and is particularly fascinated by interactions between humans and machines and the way they develop. In this interview, he introduces the questions surrounding our future interactions with virtual reality.   What is …

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COVID-19: contact tracing applications and new conversational perimeter

contact tracing applications

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair (no. 18, September 2020). On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared that our planet was in the midst of a pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19. First reported in China, then Iran and …

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5G: what it is? How does it work?


Xavier Lagrange, Professor of network systems, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom 5G is the fifth generation of standards for mobile networks. Although this technology has fueled many societal debates on its environmental impact, possible health effects, and usefulness, here we will focus on the technological aspects. How does 5G work? Is it a true technological disruption or simple an improvement …

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Crisis management: better integration of citizens’ initiatives

crise, gestion de crise, crisis management

Caroline Rizza, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom As part of my research into the benefits of digital technologies in crisis management and in particular the digital skills of those involved in a crisis (whether institutions or grassroots citizens), I had the opportunity to shadow the Fire and Emergency Department of the Gard (SDIS) in Nîmes, from 9 to 23 April …

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Locked-down world, silent cities

silent cities project

Last spring, France decided to impose a lockdown to respond to the health crisis. Our cities came to a standstill and cars disappeared from the streets, allowing residents to rediscover quieter sounds like birdsong. A team of researchers decided to take advantage of this calm that suddenly settled over our lives to better understand the impacts of sound pollution, and …

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Protective masks: towards widespread reuse?


How can protective masks be recycled and reused without risking safety? Scientists, medical practitioners and manufacturers have teamed up to explore different treatment methods. As part of this consortium, IMT Atlantique researchers are studying the impact of decontamination processes on mask performance.   Surgical and FFP2 masks are intended for single use. Thrown away after just a few hours of use, …

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In the midst of a crisis, hospitals are using digital simulation to organize care

digital simulation

Thierry Garaix and Raksmey Phan are systems engineering researchers at Mines Saint-Étienne[1]. In response to the current health crisis, they are making digital simulation and digital twins available to health services to inform their decision-making. This assistance is crucial to handling the influx of patients in hospitals and managing the post-peak period of the epidemic.   The organization of the …

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Do flame-retardant pillows pollute our homes?

retardateurs de flamme

Chemical additives called flame retardants prevent our furniture from burning too quickly in the event of a fire. But do these molecules pollute the air inside our homes and offices? To answer this question, an ANSES-ADEME research project was launched in 2019 and IMT Mines Alès is taking part in it. In a testing laboratory that reproduces the conditions of …

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The IoT needs dedicated security – now

The world is more and more driven by networked computer systems. They dominate almost all aspects of our lives. These systems are connected to the Internet, resulting in a high threat potential. Marc-Oliver Pahl, chairholder of the cybersecurity chair Cyber CNI at IMT Atlantique, talks about what is at stakes when it comes to IoT security.   What is the …

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A European project to assess the performance of robotic functions


Healthcare, maintenance, the agri-food industry, agile manufacturing. Metrics, a three-year H2020 project launched in January, is organizing robot competitions geared towards these four industries and is developing metrological methods to assess the data collected. TeraLab, IMT’s big data and AI platform, is a partner in this project. Interview with Anne-Sophie Taillandier, Director of TeraLab.   What is the aim of the European …

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