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What are digital social innovations?

Digital social innovations

Müge Ozman, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom and Cédric Gossart, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) One of the problems that we encounter in our research on digital social innovation (DSI) is related with defining it. Is it a catch-all phrase? A combination of three trendy words? Digital social innovations (DSI) are often associated with positive meanings, like openness, collaboration or …

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Technologically enhanced humans: a look behind the myth

Enhanced humans

What exactly do we mean by an “enhanced” human? When this possibility is brought up, what is generally being referred to is the addition of human and machine-based performances (expanding on the figure of the cyborg popularized by science fiction). But enhanced in relation to what? According to which reference values and criteria? How, for example, can happiness be measured? A …

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Arago, technology platform in optics for the industrial sector

Arago, IMT Atlantique, Jean-Louis de Bougrenet

Arago is a technology platform specializing in applied optics, based at IMT Atlantique’s Brest campus. It provides scientific services and a technical environment for manufacturers in the optics and vision sectors. It has unique expertise in the field of liquid crystals, micro-optics and health.   Are you in the industrial sector or a small business wanting to experiment with a …

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The television of the future: secondary screens to enrich the experience?

Television, NexGenTV, Eurecom, Raphaël Troncy

The television of the future is being invented in the Eurecom laboratories, at Sophia-Antipolis. This is not about creating technologies for even bigger, sharper screens, but rather reinventing the way TV is used. In a French Unique Interministerial Fund (FUI) project named NexGenTV, researchers, broadcasters and developers have joined forces to achieve this goal. The project was launched in 2015 …

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Cybersecurity: Detect and Conquer

cybersécurité, détecter, université paris saclay, detect

Researchers from Université Paris-Saclay members are developing algorithms and visual tools to help detect and counteract cybersecurity failures.   You can’t fight what you can’t see. The protection of computer systems is a growing concern, with an increasing number of smart devices gathering our private data. Computer security has to cover hardware as well as software vulnerabilities, including network access. …

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Supply chain management: Tools for responding to unforeseen events

supply chain management, SCM, industrial engineering, Mines Albi, génie industriel

The inauguration of IOMEGA took place on march 14, 2017. This demonstration platform is designed to accelerate the dissemination of contributions by Mines Albi researchers in the industrial world, particularly concerning their expertise in Supply Chain Management. Matthieu Lauras, an industrial engineering researcher, is already working on tools to help businesses and humanitarian agencies manage costs and respond to unforeseen …

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Researchers, the cyber-ramparts of critical infrastructures

Les chercheurs, cyber-remparts des infrastructures critiques, critical infrastructures, cyber protection

Cyber protection for nuclear power stations or banks cannot be considered in the same way as for other structures. Frédéric Cuppens is a researcher at IMT Atlantique and leader of the Chair on Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures. He explains his work in protecting operators whose correct operation is vital for our country. His Chair was officially inaugurated on 11 January …

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Personal data: How the GDPR is changing the game in Europe

GDPR, chair Values and policies of personal information

The new European regulation on personal data will become officially applicable in May 2018. The regulation, which complements and strengthens a European directive from 1995, guarantees unprecedented rights for citizens, including the right to be forgotten, the right to data portability, and the right to be informed of security failures in the event of a breach involving personal data… But …

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