Search Results for: Régulation

Sand, an increasingly scarce resource that needs to be replaced

sable, sand

Humans are big consumers of sand, to the extent that this now valuable resource is becoming increasingly scarce. Being in such high demand, it is extracted in conditions that aren’t always respectful of the environment. With the increasing scarcity of sand and the sometimes devastating consequences of mining at beaches, it is becoming crucial to find alternatives. Isabelle Cojan and …

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Fighting fire: from ancient Egypt to Notre-Dame de Paris

feu, fire

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Rodolphe Sonnier, IMT Mines Alès. This article was co-authored by Clément Lacoste (IMT Mines Alès), Laurent Ferry (IMT Mines Alès) and Henri Vahabi (Université de Lorraine). The discovery of fire is often cited as the most important discovery in the history of mankind, given its major impact on the development of …

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What is cyber sovereignty?

cyber sovereignty

Sovereignty is a concept that is historically linked to the idea of a physical territory, whereas the digital world is profoundly dematerialized and virtual. So what does the notion of cyber sovereignty mean? It combines the economic strength of online platforms, digital technologies and regulations based on new societal values. Francis Jutand, Deputy CEO of IMT and member of the …

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Indoor Air: under-estimated pollutants

Indoor air

While some sources of indoor air pollution are well known, there are others that researchers do not yet fully understand. This is the case for cleaning products and essential oils. The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) they become and their dynamics within buildings are being studied by chemists at IMT Lille Douai. When it comes to air quality, staying indoors does …

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Ethical algorithms in health: a technological and societal challenge

Since the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare brought on by IBM’s Watson, many questions on bias and discrimination in algorithms have emerged. Photo: Wikimedia.

The possibilities offered by algorithms and artificial intelligence in the healthcare field raise many questions. What risks do they pose? How can we ensure that they have a positive impact on the patient as an individual? What safeguards can be put in place to ensure that the values of our healthcare system are respected?   A few years ago, Watson, …

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The cherry trees of Fukushima

The “Miharu Takizakura”, a weeping cherry tree over a thousand years old. The tree is on a soil contaminated by the Fukushima incident.

Written by Franck Guarnieri, Aurélien Portelli, et Sébastien Travadel, Mines ParisTech. The original version has been published on The Conversation. It’s 2019 and for many, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has become a distant memory. In the West, the event is considered to be over. Safety standards have been audited and concerns about the sector’s security and viability officially addressed. …

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Algorithmic bias, discrimination and fairness

biais des algorithmes, algorithmic bias

David Bounie, Professor of Economics, Head of Economics and Social Sciences at Télécom ParisTech Patrick Waelbroeck, Professor of Industrial Economy and Econometrics at Télécom ParisTech and co-founder of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information The original version of this article was published on the website of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information. This Chair brings together researchers …

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Using personalised services without privacy loss: what solutions does technology have to offer?

Online services are becoming more and more personalised. This transformation designed to satisfy the end-user might be seen as an economic opportunity, but also as a risk, since personalised services usually require personal data to be efficient. Two perceptions that do not seem compatible. Maryline Laurent and Nesrine Kaâniche, researchers at Telecom SudParis and members of the Chair Values and …

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SPARTA: defining cybersecurity in Europe

SPARTA is a European project bringing together leading researchers in cybersecurity to respond to new challenges facing our increasingly connected society.

The EU H2020 program is continuing its efforts to establish scientific communities in Europe through the SPARTA project dedicated to cybersecurity. This 3-year project will bring together researchers to take up the new cybersecurity challenges: providing defense against new attacks, offering protection in highly-connected computing environments and artificial intelligence security. Hervé Debar, a researcher in cybersecurity at Télécom SudParis participating …

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From personal data to artificial intelligence: who benefits from our clicking?


Clicking, liking, sharing: all of our digital activities produce data. This information, which is collected and monetized by big digital information platforms, is on its way to becoming the virtual black gold of the 21st century. Have we all become digital workers? Digital labor specialist and Télécom ParisTech researcher Antonio Casilli has recently published a work entitled En attendant les …

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