Search Results for: privacy

GDPR: towards values and policies


On May 25th, the GDPR came into effect. This new regulation requires administrations and companies in the 27 EU countries to comply with the law on the protection of personal data. Since its creation in 2013, the IMT Research Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information (CVPIP) aims to help businesses, citizens and public authorities in their reflections on the …

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Sociology and philosophy combine to offer a better understanding of the digital metamorphosis

digital metamorphosis

Intellectual, professional, political, personal, private: every aspect of our lives is affected by technological developments that are transforming our society in a profound way. These changes raise specific challenges that require a connection between the empirical approaches of sociology and philosophical questioning. Pierre-Antoine Chardel, a philosopher, social science researcher and specialist in ethics at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, answers our …

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GDPR: managing consent with the blockchain?

consent, consentement

Blockchain and GDPR: two of the most-discussed keywords in the digital sector in recent months and years. At Télécom SudParis, Maryline Laurent has decided to bring the two together. Her research focuses on using the blockchain to manage consent to personal data processing.   The GDPR has come into force at last! Six years have gone by since the European …

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Healthcare: what makes some connected objects a success and others a flop?

connected objects

Christine Balagué, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (ex Télécom École de Management) Wearing the Oura connected ring on your finger day and night can help you find out how well you sleep. A connected patch diabetics wear on their arms enables them to monitor their blood sugar levels without pricking their fingers. On February 9, these two objects received one of the mobile …

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Digital Advertising and Algorithms

publicité numérique, digital advertising

Romain Gola, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom In 2016, for the first time in France, online advertising investment exceeded that of television advertising. Algorithms now play an increasingly significant role in the purchase of advertising space on websites, raising many ethical and legal issues. Algorithms rise to power The digital advertising market in France is now estimated at …

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Can digital social innovations tackle big challenges?

ISN, Digital social innovations, innovations sociales numériques

Müge Ozman, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom Digital social innovations (DSI) are booming in Europe, empowering people to solve problems in areas as diverse as social inclusion, health, democracy, education, migration and sustainability. Examples include civic tech, neighbourhood-regeneration platforms, collaborative map-making, civic crowdfunding, peer-to-peer education and online time banks. A wide range of organisations support DSIs, through offering …

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Coming soon: “smart” cameras and citizens improving urban safety

smart cameras, safe city

Flavien Bazenet, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, (IMT) and Gabriel Périès, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, (IMT) This article was written based on the research Augustin de la Ferrière carried out during his “Grande École” training at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School (IMT). « Safe cities »: seen by some as increasing the security and resilience of cities, others see it as an …

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Bitcoin: the economic issues at stake

bitcoin, Patrick Waelbroeck

Patrick Waelbroeck, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin only have value if all the participants in the monetary system view it to as currency. It must therefore be rare, in the sense that it must not be easily copied (a problem equivalent to counterfeit banknotes for traditional currencies). This is a requirement that is met by the Bitcoin network, which …

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Iris recognition: towards a biometric system for smartphones

Jean-Luc Dugelay, Biométrie, smartphone, biométrics, iris recognition

Smartphones provide a wide range of opportunities for biometrics. Jean-Luc Dugelay and Chiara Galdi, researchers at Eurecom, are working on a simple, rapid iris recognition algorithm for mobile phones, which could be used as an authentication system for operations such as bank transactions.   Last name, first name, e-mail address, social media, photographs — your smartphone is a complete summary …

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Personal data: How the GDPR is changing the game in Europe

GDPR, chair Values and policies of personal information

The new European regulation on personal data will become officially applicable in May 2018. The regulation, which complements and strengthens a European directive from 1995, guarantees unprecedented rights for citizens, including the right to be forgotten, the right to data portability, and the right to be informed of security failures in the event of a breach involving personal data… But …

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