Search Results for: Data

What is Big Data?

Big Data, TeraLab, Anne-Sophie Taillandier

On the occasion of the Big Data Congress in Paris, which was held on 6 and 7 March at the Palais des Congrès, Anne-Sophie Taillandier, director of TeraLab, examines this digital concept which plays a leading role in research and industry.   Big Data is a key element in the history of data storage. It has driven an industrial revolution …

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Personal data: How the GDPR is changing the game in Europe

GDPR, chair Values and policies of personal information

The new European regulation on personal data will become officially applicable in May 2018. The regulation, which complements and strengthens a European directive from 1995, guarantees unprecedented rights for citizens, including the right to be forgotten, the right to data portability, and the right to be informed of security failures in the event of a breach involving personal data… But …

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TeraLab, a big data platform with a European vision

TeraLab, an IMT platform aimed at accelerating big data projects by uniting researchers and companies, has held the “Silver i-Space” quality label since December 1st, 2016. This label, awarded by the Big Data Value Association, is a guarantee of the quality of the services the platform provides, both at the technical and legal levels. The label testifies to TeraLab’s relevance …

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Data centers: Taking up the energy challenge

green it, epoc, cloud computing, data center

Increasingly present throughout the world, data centers consume significant amounts of energy. Researchers at IMT Atlantique have conducted a study that combines renewable energy and electricity grids to power these infrastructures. To reduce energy consumption, scientists are also looking at the network and the anticipation and organization of tasks on the various servers.   Accessing this website via a search …

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Ocean remote sensing: solving the puzzle of missing data

Ocean Remote sensing, data, IMT Atlantique

The satellite measurements that are taken every day rely greatly on atmospheric conditions, the main cause of missing data. In a scientific publication, Ronan Fablet, a researcher at Télécom Bretagne, proposes a new method for reconstructing the temperature of the ocean surface to complete incomplete observations. This reconstructed data provides fine-scale mapping of the homogeneous details that are essential in …

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Automated learning from data

Stéphan Clémençon, Automated Learning

Big Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, Institut Mines-Télécom has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine Learning is one such approach. It is being researched by Stéphan Clémençon, Professor …

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An ocean of environmental data to be processed

René Garello, Vigisat, Océan, Télécom Bretagne, Ocean

If nowadays we can detect icebergs along the route of the Vendée Globe, track and identify ships causing pollution from space, and define ecological corridors and reserves for the protection of animal species, it is largely thanks to stations which receive and process satellite images in real time, and the progress made in the last twenty years in the field …

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Sovereignty and digital technology: controlling our own destiny

digital sovereignty

Annie Blandin-Obernesser, IMT Atlantique – Institut Mines-Télécom Facebook has an Oversight Board, a kind of “Supreme Court” that rules on content moderation disputes. Digital giants like Google are investing in the submarine telecommunications cable market. France has had to back pedal after choosing Microsoft to host the Health Data Hub. These are just a few examples demonstrating that the way …

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