Search Results for: virus

Serious games: when games invade the classroom

serious games

Over the last few years, a new teaching method linked to the invasion of digital technology in our daily lives has begun shaking up traditional learning methods. The primary purpose of these serious games is not entertainment. The developing sector does not seek to substitute, but rather supplement—or at least earn its place—in the arsenal of existing educational tools. Imed …

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Ethical algorithms in health: a technological and societal challenge

Since the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare brought on by IBM’s Watson, many questions on bias and discrimination in algorithms have emerged. Photo: Wikimedia.

The possibilities offered by algorithms and artificial intelligence in the healthcare field raise many questions. What risks do they pose? How can we ensure that they have a positive impact on the patient as an individual? What safeguards can be put in place to ensure that the values of our healthcare system are respected?   A few years ago, Watson, …

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Cybersecurity: high costs for companies

cost of cyber-attacks

Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay The world of cybersecurity has changed drastically over the past 20 years. In the 1980s, information systems security was a rather confidential field with a focus on technical excellence. The notion of financial gain was more or less absent from attackers’ motivations. It was in the early 2000s that the first …

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Cybersecurity: new times, new challenges


Editorial. Who am I? A white man, almost 30. I wear hoodies and hack websites belonging to prestigious organizations like the CIA from my parents’ basement. Above all, I am thick-skinned. Have you guessed? I am, of course, a stereotypical hacker! Movies and TV series continue to propagate this false and dated image. But due to changes in the internet, …

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Protecting ships against modern-day pirates


Cybersecurity, long viewed as a secondary concern for naval systems, has become increasingly important in recent years. Ships can no longer be seen as isolated objects at sea, naturally protected from cyber-attacks. Yvon Kermarrec, a researcher in computer science at IMT Atlantique, leads a research chair on cybersecurity in partnership with the French Naval School, Thales and Naval Group. He …

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Using hardware to defend software against cyber-attacks


Software applications are vulnerable to remote attacks via the internet or local networks and are cyber-attackers’ target of choice. While methods combining hardware and software have already been integrated into the most recent processors to prevent cyber-attacks, solutions based solely on hardware, which by definition cannot be remotely attacked, could soon help defend our computer programs. Jean-Luc Danger, a researcher …

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Hardware attacks, a lingering threat for connected objects

hardware attacks

Viruses, malware, spyware and other digital pathologies are not the only way computer systems’ vulnerabilities are exploited. Hardware attacks are not as well-known as these software attacks, but they are just as dangerous. They involve directly exploiting interaction with a system’s electronic components. These sneak attacks are particularly effective against connected objects. Jean-Max Dutertre’s team at Mines Saint-Étienne is committed …

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24 words for understanding cybersecurity

Cyberattacks, 25 termes, cybersécurité, Hervé Debar

Starting with Algorithm and ending with Virus, this list features terms like Phishing and Firewall… As the symposium entitled “Are we entering a new era of cybersecurity?” is getting underway at IMT, here are 24 words to help you understand the concepts, technologies and systems used to protect people, materials and organizations from cyberattacks. This glossary was compiled with the …

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Passwords: security, vulnerability and constraints


Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay What is a password? A password is a secret linked to an identity. It associates two elements, what we own (a bank card, badge, telephone, fingerprint) and what we know (password or code). Passwords are very widely used, for computers, telephones, banking. The simplest form is the numerical code (PIN), with …

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Cloud computing for longer smartphone battery life

cloud computing, Maurice Gagnaire

How can we make our smartphone batteries last longer? For Maurice Gagnaire, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech, the solution could come through mobile cloud computing. If computations currently performed by our devices could be offloaded to local servers, their batteries would have to work less. This could extend the battery life for one charge by several hours. This solution was …

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