Search Results for: pollution

What is life cycle analysis?


Life cycle analysis (LCA) is increasingly common, in particular for eco-design or to obtain a label. It is used to assess the environmental footprint of a product or service by taking into account as many sources as possible. In the following interview, Miguel Lopez-Ferber, a researcher in environmental assessment at IMT Mines Alès, offers insights about the benefits and complexity …

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Arsenic contamination of water: Detection and treatment challenges


Arsenic contamination of water, whether surface water or ground water, affects many parts of France. Such contamination may be the result of anthropogenic causes, linked to mining operations for example, or of natural causes in relation to changes in geological formations, as is the case in many countries such as India, Pakistan and Chili. In partnership with the Nuclear Materials …

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Covid-19 Epidemic: an early warning signal that we’ve reached the planet’s limits?

planetary boundaries, urgence climatique, planet's limits

Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom and Aurélien Boutaud, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom This article was published for the Fête de la Science (Science Festival, held from 2 to 12 October 2020 in mainland France and from 6 to 16 November in Corsica, overseas departments and internationally), in which The Conversation France is a partner. The theme for this year’s …

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Trains made with recyclable parts

Photographie d'un train Regio2n, même modèle que le démonstrateur en résine thermoplastique développé par le projet Destiny

The Destiny project proposes a new process to manufacture parts for the railway and aeronautical industries. It uses a thermoplastic resin, which enables the materials to be recycled while limiting the pollution associated with manufacturing them.      It is increasingly critical to be able to recycle products so as to lower the environmental cost of their production. The composite …

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Locked-down world, silent cities

silent cities project

Last spring, France decided to impose a lockdown to respond to the health crisis. Our cities came to a standstill and cars disappeared from the streets, allowing residents to rediscover quieter sounds like birdsong. A team of researchers decided to take advantage of this calm that suddenly settled over our lives to better understand the impacts of sound pollution, and …

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Smarter models of the ocean

Photographie de l'océan

The ocean is a system that is difficult to observe, whose biodiversity and physical phenomena we still know very little about. Artificial intelligence could be an asset in understanding this environment better. Ronan Fablet, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, presents the projects of the new Océanix Research Chair. What is the objective? To use AI to optimize models for observing the ocean.   …

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Do flame-retardant pillows pollute our homes?

retardateurs de flamme

Chemical additives called flame retardants prevent our furniture from burning too quickly in the event of a fire. But do these molecules pollute the air inside our homes and offices? To answer this question, an ANSES-ADEME research project was launched in 2019 and IMT Mines Alès is taking part in it. In a testing laboratory that reproduces the conditions of …

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A window, and silence!


To combat noise pollution and its effects on human health, DeNoize, a start-up incubated at Mines Saint-Étienne, offers a solution: a window that ‘mutes sound’. This connected window would analyze outside noise and adapt to cancel it out.   Double glazing increases thermal insulation, but when it comes to noise, it’s another story. When we’re indoors at home or the …

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Our top ten articles of 2019 !

top ten

At this beginning of the year 2020, I’MTech takes a look back at 10 of the most noteworthy articles from the past year. What scientific topics made headlines at the close of the 2010s and the dawn of the 2020s? A look at this pivotal year, in which unsurprisingly, AI and the environment feature prominently… but not exclusively!   #1 …

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Aerosol therapy: An ex vivo model of lungs

aerosol therapy

A researcher in Health Engineering at Mines Saint-Étienne, Jérémie Pourchez, and his colleagues at the Saint-Étienne University Hospital, have developed an ex vivo model of lungs to help improve medical aerosol therapy devices. An advantage of this technology is that scientists can study inhalation therapy whilst limiting the amount of animal testing that they use.   This article is part …

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