Search Results for: mathematics

When information science assists artificial intelligence

Vincent Gripon, IMT Atlantique, Information science, Artificial Intelligence, AI

The brain, information science, and artificial intelligence: Vincent Gripon is focusing his research at Télécom Bretagne on these three areas. By developing models that explain how our cortex stores information, he intends to inspire new methods of unsupervised learning. On October 4, he will be presenting his research on the renewal of artificial intelligence at a conference organized by the …

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Aid in interpreting medical images

Medical images, Isabelle Bloch, Télécom ParisTech

Reading and understanding computerized tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) images is a task for specialists. Nevertheless, tools exist which may help medical doctors interpret medical images and make diagnoses. Treatment and surgery planning are also made easier by the visualization of the organs and identification of areas to irradiate or avoid. Isabelle Bloch, a researcher at Télécom ParisTech …

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Intelligence incarnated, a bio-inspired approach in the field of robotics

Using nature as inspiration is certainly the oldest scientific approach and one that still has much to reveal. Bio-inspired robotics is a research topic at Mines Nantes that uses this process. It does not aim to simply mimic, but actually to understand the tricks nature has found to solve problems. Researcher Frédéric Boyer’s work is driven by such meticulous observation. …

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Automated learning from data

Stéphan Clémençon, Automated Learning

Big Data is an issue not only of technology, but also for society. Aware of the value of data, Institut Mines-Télécom has made it a major field of research, because a new approach is needed in order to store, share and use data to achieve optimal use. Machine Learning is one such approach. It is being researched by Stéphan Clémençon, Professor …

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Computational sciences: when math makes all the difference

computational sciences

What is the link between thought-controlled computers, being able to turn invisible, using virtual worlds to test hypotheses in archeology, and research to better understand and treat epilepsy? Each of these fields of research benefit from a new scientific approach, known as computational, which is becoming a new discipline in its own right. Computational physics is an area of research …

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Confidential Communications and Quantum Physics

Quantum physics

Quantum physics opens up a variety of possibilities for radical new applications such as quantum cryptography, a discipline to which Romain Alléaume, researcher at the Institut Mines-Télécom, devotes his energy. Member of the Quantum Information team at Télécom ParisTech, the researcher uses specifically quantum properties of light to design and create systems allowing confidential data to be remotely transmitted. His …

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Augmented Reality and Surgery: helping surgeons achieve ever-greater accuracy

Questions of health, well-being and personal independence are central preoccupations of all modern societies. Age-related illnesses, and our ageing populations, pose a number of social and economic challenges. Over the last two decades, information sciences and technologies have helped us rise to these challenges. Concepts such as distance health care and online treatment are now accepted as a part of …

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An ocean of environmental data to be processed

René Garello, Vigisat, Océan, Télécom Bretagne, Ocean

If nowadays we can detect icebergs along the route of the Vendée Globe, track and identify ships causing pollution from space, and define ecological corridors and reserves for the protection of animal species, it is largely thanks to stations which receive and process satellite images in real time, and the progress made in the last twenty years in the field …

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