Search Results for: life quality

Light, a possible solution for a sustainable AI

lumière, intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence, AI

Maurizio Filippone, Professor at EURECOM, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) We are currently witnessing a rapidly growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives, which has the potential to translate into a variety of societal changes, including improvements to economy, better living conditions, easier access to education, well-being, and entertainment. Such a much anticipated future, however, is tainted with issues …

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Chronic disease: what does the Internet really change in patients’ lives?

maladie chronique, chronic disease

For the first time, a study has assessed the impact of digital technology on the lives of patients with chronic diseases. It was conducted by the ICA patient association collective, in partnership with researchers from the Smart Objects and Social Networks chair at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School. The study provides a portrait of the benefits and limitations perceived by chronically ill …

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Without noise, virtual images become more realistic


With increased computing capacities, computer-generated images are becoming more and more realistic. Yet generating these images is very time-consuming. Tamy Boubekeur, specialized in 3D Computer Graphics at Télécom ParisTech, is on a quest to solve this problem. He and his team have developed new technology that relies on noise-reduction algorithms and saves computing resources while offering high-quality images.   Have …

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Debate: Purchasing power and carbon tax, the obsolescence of political categories

gilets jaunes, yellow vests

Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School When it comes to social and ecological concerns, many dream of reconciling the two, but few have a solution. The “yellow vests” have just provided a reminder of this fact, as they do not identify with anything offered by organized groups, whether political, union-based or even community-oriented. So what can be done? Are we …

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Synchronizing future transportation: from trucks to drones


With the development of delivery services, the proliferation of various means of transportation, saturated cities and mutualized goods, optimizing logistics networks is becoming so complex that humans can no longer find solutions without using intelligent software. Olivier Péton, specialized in operational research for optimizing transportation at IMT Atlantique, is seeking to answer this question: how can deliveries be made to …

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The hidden secrets of the colors of cave paintings at prehistoric sites

cave paintings

The colors of cave paintings are of great interest because they provide information about the techniques and materials used. Studying them also allows fewer sample to be taken from ancient paleolithic works. Research in colorimetry by Dominique Lafon-Pham at IMT Mines Alès provides a better definition of the colors used in paintings by our ancestors.   Mammoths, steppe lions and woolly …

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Using personalised services without privacy loss: what solutions does technology have to offer?

Online services are becoming more and more personalised. This transformation designed to satisfy the end-user might be seen as an economic opportunity, but also as a risk, since personalised services usually require personal data to be efficient. Two perceptions that do not seem compatible. Maryline Laurent and Nesrine Kaâniche, researchers at Telecom SudParis and members of the Chair Values and …

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Hospitals facing a different kind of infection: computer viruses

computer viruses

Hervé Debar, Télécom SudParis – Institut Mines-Télécom WannaCry was the first case of a cyberattack that had a major effect on hospitals. The increasing digitization of hospitals (like all areas of society) offers significant opportunities for reducing the cost of health care while making the care provided more effective. However, with digitization comes cybersecurity challenges and these threats must be …

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“We must work now to recycle composites”


High-performance composite materials are used in cutting-edge sectors such as energy, aerospace and defense. The majority of these parts have not yet reached the end-of-life stage, but recycling them remains a medium-term issue that must be considered now in order to offer technically efficient and economically viable solutions when the time comes. The issue is one that Marie-France Lacrampe, a …

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