Search Results for: ethics

Restricting algorithms to limit their powers of discrimination


From music suggestions to help with medical diagnoses, population surveillance, university selection and professional recruitment, algorithms are everywhere, and transform our everyday lives. Sometimes, they lead us astray. At fault are the statistical, economic and cognitive biases inherent to the very nature of the current algorithms, which are supplied with massive data that may be incomplete or incorrect. However, there …

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Ethical algorithms in health: a technological and societal challenge

Since the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare brought on by IBM’s Watson, many questions on bias and discrimination in algorithms have emerged. Photo: Wikimedia.

The possibilities offered by algorithms and artificial intelligence in the healthcare field raise many questions. What risks do they pose? How can we ensure that they have a positive impact on the patient as an individual? What safeguards can be put in place to ensure that the values of our healthcare system are respected?   A few years ago, Watson, …

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Algorithmic bias, discrimination and fairness

biais des algorithmes, algorithmic bias

David Bounie, Professor of Economics, Head of Economics and Social Sciences at Télécom ParisTech Patrick Waelbroeck, Professor of Industrial Economy and Econometrics at Télécom ParisTech and co-founder of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information The original version of this article was published on the website of the Chair Values and Policies of Personal Information. This Chair brings together researchers …

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AI4EU: a project bringing together a European AI community

On January 10th, the AI4EU project (Artificial Intelligence for the European Union), an initiative of the European Commission, was launched in Barcelona. This 3-year project led by Thalès, with a budget of €20 million, aims to bring Europe to the forefront of the world stage in the field of artificial intelligence. While the main goal of AI4EU is to gather …

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Robots teaching assistants


The H2020 ANIMATAS project, launched in January 2018 for a four-year period, seeks to introduce robots with social skills in schools to assist teaching staff. Chloé Clavel, a researcher in affective computing at Télécom ParisTech, one of the project’s academic partners, answered our questions on her research in artificial intelligence for the ANIMATAS project.   What is the overall focus …

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AI in healthcare for the benefit of individuals and society?


Article written by Christian Roux (Director of Research and Innovation at IMT), Patrick Duvaut (Director of Innovation at IMT), and Eric Vibert (professor at Université Paris-Sud/Université Paris Saclay, and surgeon at Hôpital Paul Brousse (AP-HP) in Villejuif). How can artificial intelligence be built in such a way that it is humanistic, explainable and ethical? This question is central to discussions …

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Sociology and philosophy combine to offer a better understanding of the digital metamorphosis

digital metamorphosis

Intellectual, professional, political, personal, private: every aspect of our lives is affected by technological developments that are transforming our society in a profound way. These changes raise specific challenges that require a connection between the empirical approaches of sociology and philosophical questioning. Pierre-Antoine Chardel, a philosopher, social science researcher and specialist in ethics at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, answers our …

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Digital Advertising and Algorithms

publicité numérique, digital advertising

Romain Gola, Télécom École de Management – Institut Mines-Télécom In 2016, for the first time in France, online advertising investment exceeded that of television advertising. Algorithms now play an increasingly significant role in the purchase of advertising space on websites, raising many ethical and legal issues. Algorithms rise to power The digital advertising market in France is now estimated at …

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23 terms to help understand artificial intelligence

25 termes, Intelligence artificielle, IA, AI

Neural networks, predictive parsing, chatbots, data analysis, machine learning, etc. The 8th Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet provides a glossary of 23 terms to clarify some of the terms used in artificial intelligence (AI).   AI winters – Moments in the history of AI, in which doubts overshadowed previous enthusiasm. API – (Application Programming Interface), a standardized set of methods by which a software program provides …

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Is blockchain the ultimate technology of trust?

Blockchain, trust, technology

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” Due to its decentralized nature, blockchain technology is fueling hopes of developing a robust trust system between economic stakeholders. But although it offers unique advantages, it is not perfect. As …

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