Search Results for: computer science

Robots teaching assistants


The H2020 ANIMATAS project, launched in January 2018 for a four-year period, seeks to introduce robots with social skills in schools to assist teaching staff. Chloé Clavel, a researcher in affective computing at Télécom ParisTech, one of the project’s academic partners, answered our questions on her research in artificial intelligence for the ANIMATAS project.   What is the overall focus …

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What is digital simulation?

digital simulation

Digital simulation has become an almost mandatory step in developing new products. But what does “simulating behavior” or “modeling an event” really mean? Marius Preda, a computer science researcher at Télécom SudParis, explains what’s hiding behind these common industry expressions.   What is digital simulation used for? Marius Preda: Its main goal is to reduce prototyping costs for manufacturers. Instead …

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Emergency logistics for field hospitals

field hospitals, hôpitaux de campagne

European field hospitals, or temporary medical care stations, are standing by and ready to be deployed throughout the world in the event of a major disaster. The HOPICAMP project, of which IMT Mines Alès is one of the partners, works to improve the logistics of these temporary medical centers and develop telemedicine tools and training for health care workers. Their …

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Protecting ships against modern-day pirates


Cybersecurity, long viewed as a secondary concern for naval systems, has become increasingly important in recent years. Ships can no longer be seen as isolated objects at sea, naturally protected from cyber-attacks. Yvon Kermarrec, a researcher in computer science at IMT Atlantique, leads a research chair on cybersecurity in partnership with the French Naval School, Thales and Naval Group. He …

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Why women have become invisible in IT professions

gender diversity, digital professions

Female students have deserted computer science schools and women seem mostly absent from companies in this sector. The culprit: the common preconception that female computer engineers are naturally less competent than their male counterparts.  The MOOC entitled Gender Diversity in IT Professions*, launched on 8 March 2018, looks at how sexist stereotypes are constructed, often insidiously. Why are women now …

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MT 180: 3D organ models facilitate surgery on children

MT 180, surgery, chirurgie, thesis, thèse

Alessio Virzì, Biomedical Engineer – PhD student in Medical Image Processing, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay The original version of this article (in French) was published on The Conversation, in connection with Alessio Virzì’s participation in the competition “My thesis in 180 seconds”. What area have you chosen to focus on for your thesis? I am interested in …

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Medicine for Materials

non-destructive inspection

Did you know that materials have health problems too? To diagnose their structural integrity, researchers are increasingly using techniques similar to those used in the medical field for humans. X-rays, temperature checks and ultrasound imaging are just a few of the tools that help detection of abnormalities in parts. The advantage of these various techniques is that they are non-destructive. …

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Introducing BART, the Blockchain’s French Scientific Alliance

BART, blockchain

Four research institutions, including Télécom ParisTech and Télécom SudParis, are embarking on a joint research initiative focused on the blockchain. Along with INRIA and the Institute for Technological Research (IRT) SystemX, this scientific task force will take on the challenge of integrating the blockchain into industrial processes. The six focus areas of this research initiative called Blockchain Advanced Research & …

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Facial biometrics: How smartphones can recognize us

facial biometrics

Mohamed Daoudi, IMT Lille Douai – Institut Mines-Télécom Welcome to the new era: that of facial biometrics. The launch of the iPhone X, a smartphone featuring Face ID facial recognition, demonstrated that this technology has now reached full maturity. This became possible with the introduction of miniature 3D sensors with high-level computing power, combined with extremely efficient learning algorithms such …

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