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Digital twins in the health sector: mirage or reality?

Digital twins, which are already well established in industry, are becoming increasingly present in the health sector. There is a wide range of potential applications for both diagnosis and treatment, but the technology is mostly still in the research phase.   The health sector is currently undergoing digital transition with a view to developing “4P” treatment: personalized, predictive, preventive and …

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TeraLab: data specialists serving companies

The TeraLab data machines.

TeraLab is a Big Data and artificial intelligence platform that grants companies access to a whole ecosystem of specialists in these fields. The aim is to remove the scientific and technological barriers facing organizations that want to make use of their data. Hosted by IMT, TeraLab is one of the technology platforms proposed by the Carnot Télécom & Société Numérique. …

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User immersion, between 360° video and virtual reality

I’MTech is dedicating a series of success stories to research partnerships supported by the Télécom & Société Numérique (TSN) Carnot Institute, which the IMT schools are a part of. To better understand how users interact in immersive environments, designers and researchers are comparing the advantages of 360° video and full-immersion virtual reality. This is also the aim of the TroisCentSoixante …

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Ethical algorithms in health: a technological and societal challenge

Since the enthusiasm for AI in healthcare brought on by IBM’s Watson, many questions on bias and discrimination in algorithms have emerged. Photo: Wikimedia.

The possibilities offered by algorithms and artificial intelligence in the healthcare field raise many questions. What risks do they pose? How can we ensure that they have a positive impact on the patient as an individual? What safeguards can be put in place to ensure that the values of our healthcare system are respected?   A few years ago, Watson, …

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Nano 3D Printers for Industry

An example of the micro-structures produced using a single-beam laser nano printer by the company Multi-Photon Optics, a member of the consortium.

The 3-year H2020 project PHENOmenon, launched in January 2018, is developing nano 3D printers capable of producing micro and nano-structures (particularly those with an optical function), while adhering to limited production times. Kevin Heggarty is a researcher at IMT Atlantique, one of the project partners along with three other European research institutes and eight industrial partners, including major groups and …

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In IT professions, diversity is all about inclusion, not exclusion

Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques à adopter en matière de mixité pour inclure les femmes dans les milieux technologiques ?

Ideas about diversity are often fallacious. Sociology has shown that women are seen as being responsible for their own inclusion in places where they are a minority. Chantal Morley is conducting research in this field at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School. She is especially interested in diversity in technological fields, whether they be companies, universities, engineering schools, etc. In this interview …

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Artificial Intelligence: TeraLab becomes a European “Digital Innovation Hub”

digital Innovation Hub

TeraLab becomes one of the 30 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) selected by the European Union in artificial intelligence. This new recognition consolidates the place of the IMT’s TeraLab platform in the field of AI as well as its impact on business transformation.   On February 28 last year, the European Commission, via the AI DIH Network project, recognized TeraLab as …

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Energysquare: charging your telephone has never been so simple!

Start-up company Energysquare has created a wireless charging device for tablets and cellphones. Using a simple mechanism combining a sticker and a metal plate, devices can be charged by conduction. Energysquare, which is incubated at Télécom ParisTech, will soon see its technology tested in hotels. The company now also aims to export and adapt its product to other smart objects. …

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Technology that decrypts the way our brain works

Electroencephalogram: a brain imaging technique that is efficient but limited in terms of spatial resolution.

Different techniques are used to study of the functioning of our brain, including electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, functional MRI and spectroscopy. The signals are processed and interpreted to analyze the cognitive processes in question. EEG and MRI are the two most commonly used techniques in cognitive science. Their performances offer hope and but also concern. What is the current state of affairs …

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The cherry trees of Fukushima

The “Miharu Takizakura”, a weeping cherry tree over a thousand years old. The tree is on a soil contaminated by the Fukushima incident.

Written by Franck Guarnieri, Aurélien Portelli, et Sébastien Travadel, Mines ParisTech. The original version has been published on The Conversation. It’s 2019 and for many, the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster has become a distant memory. In the West, the event is considered to be over. Safety standards have been audited and concerns about the sector’s security and viability officially addressed. …

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