Search Results for: smart materials

An autonomous contact lens to improve human vision

lentille autonome, autonomous contact lens

Two teams from IMT Atlantique and Mines Saint-Étienne have developed an autonomous contact lens which is powered by an integrated flexible micro-battery. This invention is a world first that opens new health prospects, whilst also opening the door for scientists to develop other human-machine interfaces.   Human augmentation, a field of research that aims to enhance human abilities through technological …

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Industry of the future: The German-French Academy launches seven new projects

AFA 7 nouveaux projets, German-French Academy

Following a call for proposals launched by the German-French Academy for researchers at IMT and TUM (Technische Universität Munchen), seven projects were selected in October 2018. The projects focus on key topics for the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future. A French-German platform for AI will soon be launched.   The selected projects focus on six topics: AI …

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Special issue: Electronic textiles

Esma Ismailova, Electronic textiles, textiles électroniques, matériaux avancés

Electronic textiles is a multidisciplinary field which is not limited to the characterization and development of novel materials and devices. The field also targets technologies related to the interconnection of electronic functionalities leading to smart networks and to the development of hybrid approaches integrating flexible devices with traditional solid‐state electronics. Furthermore, unlike other emerging technologies, electronic textiles are, in part, …

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The economy of promises, how to fall in love with a growth rate


Fabrice Flipo, Institut Mines-Telecom Business School This article was published in association with the “Does progress have a future?” series of conferences organized by the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie, from Tuesday 15 to 26 May 2018. Over a two-week period, groups of students, a panel of citizens and scientists, historians and philosophers shared their views and debated the …

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What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic. In late March, the French government organized a series of events dedicated to this theme, the most notable of which was the publication of the report “For a Meaningful Artificial Intelligence,” written by Cédric Villani, a mathematician and member of the French parliament. The buzz around AI coincides with companies’ and scientists’ renewed …

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23 startups from IMT incubators at VivaTechnology 2018


The VivaTechnology trade show offers three days to discover the most promising startups in the tech sector. For IMT, this is the perfect opportunity for highlighting its comprehensive support and entrepreneurship services and presenting 23 startups from its schools’ incubators. These startups come from sectors including mobility, smart cities, AI, fashion, media and cybersecurity. Mark your calendars for May 24 …

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Industry of the Future: How is the German-French Academy supporting European companies?

Franco-German Academy, Industry of the Future

Opinion. By Hannemor Keidel, TUM Officer for Scientific Alliances with France, and Christian Roux, Executive Vice President for Research and Innovation at IMT. This article is the long version of the editorial published by Innovation Review.  The German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future was founded a little over two years ago and the first actions it has supported are now taking …

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Coming soon: new ways to interact with machines

HMI, human-machine interactions

Our electronic and computing devices are becoming smaller, more adapted to our needs, and closer to us physically. From the very first heavy, stationary and complex computers, we have moved on to our smartphones, ever at the ready. What innovations can we next expect? Éric Lecolinet, researcher in human-machine interactions at Télécom ParisTech, answers our questions about this rapidly changing …

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A new laser machining technique for industry

laser femtoseconde, Femto Engineering

FEMTO-Engineering, part of Carnot Télécom & Société numérique institute, offers manufacturers a new cutting and drilling technique for transparent materials. By using a femtosecond laser, experts can reach unrivalled levels of precision when manufacturing ultra-hard materials. Jean-Pierre Goedgebuer, director of FC’Innov (FEMTO-Engineering), explains how the technique works. What is high aspect ratio precision machining and what is it used for? …

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GreenTropism, the start-up making matter interact with light

greentropism, spectroscopie

The start-up GreenTropism, specialists in spectroscopy, won an interest-free loan from the Fondation Mines-Télécom last June. It hopes to use this to reinforce its R&D and develop its sales team. Its technology is based on automatic learning and is intended for both industrial and academic use, offering application perspectives ranging from the environment to the IoT.   Is your sweater …

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