Search Results for: communications

Graphene, or the expected revolution in electronics: coming soon

Thibaut Lalire, IMT Mines Alès – Institut Mines-Télécom “Material of the 21st century,” a “revolutionary material”: these are some of the ways graphene has been described since it was discovered in 2004 by Konstantin Novoselov and Andre Geim. The two scientists’ research on graphene won them the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2010. But how do things stand today – seventeen …

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The virtualization of optical networks to support… 5G

réseaux optiques, optical networks

Mobile networks are not entirely wireless. They also rely on a network of optical fibers, which connect antennas to the core network, among other things. With the arrival of 5G, optical networks must be able to keep up with the ramping up of the rest of the mobile network to ensure the promised quality of service. Two IMT Atlantique researchers are …

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What is beamforming?

Antenne 5G

Beamforming is a telecommunications technology that enables the targeted delivery of larger and faster signals. The development of 5G relies in particular on beamforming. Florian Kaltenberger, researcher at EURECOM and 5G specialist, explains how this technology works. What is beamforming? Florian Kaltenberger: Beamforming consists of transmitting synchronized waves in the form of beams, from an antenna. This makes it possible to target …

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SONATA: an approach to make data sound better


Telecommunications must transport data at an ever-faster pace to meet the needs of current technologies. But this data can be voluminous and difficult to transport at times. Communication channels are congested and transmission limits are reached quickly. Marios Kountouris, a telecommunications researcher at EURECOM, has recently received ERC funding to launch his SONATA project. It aims to shift the paradigm for processing …

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A standardized protocol to respond to the challenges of the IoT

IoT, Internet of Things

The arrival of 5G has put the Internet of Things back in the spotlight, with the promise of an influx of connected objects in both the professional and private spheres. However, before witnessing the projected revolution, several obstacles remain. This is precisely what researchers at IMT Atlantique are working on, and they have already achieved results of global significance. The …

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e-VITA, a virtual coach for seniors


Virtual coaching can play a crucial role in maintaining healthy and active ageing through early detection of risks and intervention tailored to the individual needs of senior citizens. However, current technologies do not meet these requirements. Instead they offer limited interaction and are often intrusive. The 22 European and Japanese partners of the e-VITA project will develop a “multi-modal personal …

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Smarter models of the ocean

Photographie de l'océan

The ocean is a system that is difficult to observe, whose biodiversity and physical phenomena we still know very little about. Artificial intelligence could be an asset in understanding this environment better. Ronan Fablet, a researcher at IMT Atlantique, presents the projects of the new Océanix Research Chair. What is the objective? To use AI to optimize models for observing the ocean.   …

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Mathematical tools to meet the challenges of 5G

Antenna 5G infrastructure

The arrival of 5G marks a turning point in the evolution of mobile telecommunications standards. In order to cope with the constant increase in data traffic and the requirements and constraints of future uses, teams at Télécom SudParis and Davidson Consulting have joined forces in the AIDY-F2N joint laboratory. Their objective is to provide mathematical and algorithmic solutions to optimize the 5G network architecture. …

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