Search Results for: additive manufacturing

Connected devices enter the piezoelectric generation

Piezoelectric, Cédric Samuel, IMT Lille Douai

Piezoelectric polymers may be key in the manufacturing of future generations of connected devices. Thanks to their capacity to generate electricity under mechanical stress, they could greatly reduce the energy consumption of intelligent sensors and make them autonomous. But in order to achieve this, researchers must be able to make these polymers compatible with classic production techniques in the plastics …

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ALGIMEL, a ‘marine’ polystyrene

ALGIMEL is an environmentally-friendly material which is used in a wide range of projects.

In the future, materials will not only need to be more efficient; it will also be essential that they are environmentally friendly. With this in mind, researchers from IMT Mines Alès who specialize in bio-sourced materials are working on this project.  Over the past few decades, they have been trying to develop environmentally-friendly alternatives to the most polluting materials. One …

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Bioplastics: “still a long road to higher performance”

Bioplastics, Mines Douai

As required by environmental transition, materials of the future must be “greener”. Bioplastics in particular have become a main focus of attention, and are often presented as the solution to the pollution caused by the plastics we use every day, which can take hundreds of years to decompose. Patricia Krawczak, a researcher at Mines Douai, studies these new polymers. Yet …

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