Search Results for: Medical Imaging

MT 180: 3D organ models facilitate surgery on children

MT 180, surgery, chirurgie, thesis, thèse

Alessio Virzì, Biomedical Engineer – PhD student in Medical Image Processing, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, Université Paris-Saclay The original version of this article (in French) was published on The Conversation, in connection with Alessio Virzì’s participation in the competition “My thesis in 180 seconds”. What area have you chosen to focus on for your thesis? I am interested in …

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Xenon instruments for long-term experiments

xenon, xenon1t, Dominique Thers, IMT Atlantique

From the ancient gnomon that measured the sun’s height, to the Compton gamma ray observatory, the microscope, and large-scale accelerators, scientific instruments are researchers’ allies, enabling them to make observations at the smallest and largest scales. Used for both basic and applied research, they help test hypotheses and push back the boundaries of human knowledge. At IMT Atlantique, researcher Dominique …

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Ethics, an overlooked aspect of algorithms?


We now encounter algorithms at every moment of the day. But this exposure can be dangerous. It has been proven to influence our political opinions, moods and choices. Far from being neutral, algorithms carry their developers’ value judgments, which are imposed on us without our noticing most of the time. It is now necessary to raise questions about the ethical …

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Scalinx: Electronics, from one world to another

Carnot TSN, Scalinx, electronics

The product of research carried out by its founder, Hussein Fakhoury, at the Télécom ParisTech laboratories (part of the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute), Scalinx is destined to shine as a French gem in the field of electronics. By developing a new generation of analog-to-digital converters, this startup is attracting the attention of stakeholders in strategic fields such as …

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When information science assists artificial intelligence

Vincent Gripon, IMT Atlantique, Information science, Artificial Intelligence, AI

The brain, information science, and artificial intelligence: Vincent Gripon is focusing his research at Télécom Bretagne on these three areas. By developing models that explain how our cortex stores information, he intends to inspire new methods of unsupervised learning. On October 4, he will be presenting his research on the renewal of artificial intelligence at a conference organized by the …

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Augmented Reality and Surgery: helping surgeons achieve ever-greater accuracy

Questions of health, well-being and personal independence are central preoccupations of all modern societies. Age-related illnesses, and our ageing populations, pose a number of social and economic challenges. Over the last two decades, information sciences and technologies have helped us rise to these challenges. Concepts such as distance health care and online treatment are now accepted as a part of …

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A European consortium for early detection of stroke and atrial fibrillation


The European project MAESTRIA, launched in March 2021 and set to run 5 years, will take on the major challenges of data integration and personalized medicine with the aim of preventing heart rhythm problems and stroke. How? By using artificial intelligence approaches to create multi-parametric digital tools. Led by Sorbonne University and funded by the European Union to the tune …

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When engineering helps improve healthcare


Editorial.   Tomorrow’s medicine will be at least 4P: personalized, preventive, predictive, participative. ‘At least,’ because some would readily add “precise,” “proof” (evidence-based), “pathway-based” etc. Beyond naming this type of medicine and determining the correct number of Ps, medicine is clearly undergoing a profound change. A transformation supported in part by engineering, which is bringing major innovations to the healthcare …

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Light, a possible solution for a sustainable AI

lumière, intelligence artificielle, artificial intelligence, AI

Maurizio Filippone, Professor at EURECOM, Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) We are currently witnessing a rapidly growing adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in our everyday lives, which has the potential to translate into a variety of societal changes, including improvements to economy, better living conditions, easier access to education, well-being, and entertainment. Such a much anticipated future, however, is tainted with issues …

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Digital twins in the health sector: mirage or reality?

Digital twins, which are already well established in industry, are becoming increasingly present in the health sector. There is a wide range of potential applications for both diagnosis and treatment, but the technology is mostly still in the research phase.   The health sector is currently undergoing digital transition with a view to developing “4P” treatment: personalized, predictive, preventive and …

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