Search Results for: communication

The autonomous car: safety hinging on a 25cm margin

Eurecom, HIGHTS, Autonomous car, H2020

Does an autonomous or semi-autonomous car really know where it is located on a map? How accurately can it position itself on the road? For the scientists who are part of the European H2020 “HIGHTS” project, intelligent transportation systems must know their position down to one quarter of a meter. Jérôme Härri, a researcher in communication systems at Eurecom — …

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Security and Privacy in the Digital Era

Claudine Guerrier, Security, Privacy

“The state, that must eradicate all feelings of insecurity, even potential ones, has been caught in a spiral of exception, suspicion and oppression that may lead to a complete disappearance of liberties.” —Mireille Delmas Marty, Libertés et sûreté dans un monde dangereux, 2010 This book will examine the security/freedom duo in space and time with regards to electronic communications and …

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Research and economic impacts: “intelligent together”

Godefroy Beauvallet, Innovation, Economics

What connections currently exist between the world of academic research and the economic sphere? Does the boundary between applied research and fundamental research still have any meaning at a time when the very concept of collaboration is being reinterpreted? Godefroy Beauvallet, Director of Innovation at IMT and Vice Chairman of the National Digital Technology Council provides some possible answers to …

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City4age, the elderly-friendly H2020 project

In the framework of the European research program H2020, the Institut Mines-Telecom is taking part in the project « City4age ». The latter is meant to offer a smart city model adapted to the elderly. Through non-intrusive technologies, the aim is to improve their quality of life and to facilitate the action of Health Services. The researcher and director of the IPAL[1], …

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Claude Shannon, a legacy transcending digital technology

Claude Shannon, a major scientist from the second half of the 20th century, marked his era with his communication theory. His work triggered a digital metamorphosis that today affects all levels of our societies. To celebrate what would have been Shannon’s 100th birthday this year, the Institut Henri Poincaré will pay tribute to the scientist with a conference on October …

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Sea Tech Week: Key issues of a connected ocean

Sea Tech Week, René Garello, Océan connecté

The sea is becoming increasingly connected, with the development of new real-time transmission sensors. The aggregated data is being used to improve our understanding of the role oceans play in climate issues, but several challenges must be considered: the development of autonomous sensors and the pooling of research on a global level. This was the subject of Sea Tech Week, …

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Digital transition: the music industry reviews its progress

music, Marc Bourreau, Télécom ParisTech

The music industry – the sector hit hardest by digitization – now seems to have completed the transformation that was initiated by digital technology. With the rise of streaming music, there has been a shift in the balance of power. Producers now look for revenue from sources other than record sales, and algorithms constitute the differentiating factor in the wide …

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When information science assists artificial intelligence

Vincent Gripon, IMT Atlantique, Information science, Artificial Intelligence, AI

The brain, information science, and artificial intelligence: Vincent Gripon is focusing his research at Télécom Bretagne on these three areas. By developing models that explain how our cortex stores information, he intends to inspire new methods of unsupervised learning. On October 4, he will be presenting his research on the renewal of artificial intelligence at a conference organized by the …

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What are turbo codes?

Trubo codes, Claude Berrou, Quèsaco, IMT Atlantique

Turbo codes form the basis of mobile communications in 3G and 4G networks. Invented in 1991 by Claude Berrou, and published in 1993 with Alain Glavieux and Punya Thitimajshima, they have now become a reference point in the field of information and communication technologies. As Télécom Bretagne, birthplace of these “error-correcting codes”, prepares to host the 9th international symposium on …

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The Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructures Chair welcomes new partner Société Générale

Société Générale, Cybersecurity chair

The Institut Mines-Télécom Cybersecurity Chair, launched last year on January 25 as part of the dynamic created by the Center of Cyber Excellence, is aimed at contributing to the international development of research activities and training opportunities in an area that has become a national priority: the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures (energy networks, industrial processes, water production plants, financial systems, …

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