Search Results for: Innovation

Arago, technology platform in optics for the industrial sector

Arago, IMT Atlantique, Jean-Louis de Bougrenet

Arago is a technology platform specializing in applied optics, based at IMT Atlantique’s Brest campus. It provides scientific services and a technical environment for manufacturers in the optics and vision sectors. It has unique expertise in the field of liquid crystals, micro-optics and health.   Are you in the industrial sector or a small business wanting to experiment with a …

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Scalinx: Electronics, from one world to another

Carnot TSN, Scalinx, electronics

The product of research carried out by its founder, Hussein Fakhoury, at the Télécom ParisTech laboratories (part of the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute), Scalinx is destined to shine as a French gem in the field of electronics. By developing a new generation of analog-to-digital converters, this startup is attracting the attention of stakeholders in strategic fields such as …

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How the SEAS project is redefining the energy market


The current energy transition has brought with it new energy production and consumption modes. Coordinated by Engie, the european SEAS project aims to foster these changes to create a more responsible energy market. SEAS is seeking to invent the future of energy usage by facilitating the integration of new economic stakeholders to redistribute energy, as well as increasing the energy …

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Smart cities: “it is only through multidisciplinary research that we can rise to these challenges”

Smart cities, Ville intelligente : « Ce n’est que par une recherche pluridisciplinaire que les défis seront relevés »

The smart city is becoming an increasingly tangible reality for citizens in urban areas, with the efforts made to increase mobility and energy management being obvious examples. But is more efficient transport and optimized energy consumption sufficient to define a smart city? Being a member of the jury of the international Prizes Le Monde-Smart Cities that will be awarded in Singapor …

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OpenAirInterface: An open platform for establishing the 5G system of the future

OpenAirInterface, Eurecom, 5G

In this article, we continue our exploration of the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute technological platforms. OpenAirInterface is the platform created by EURECOM to support mobile telecommunication systems like 4G and 5G. Its goal: to develop access solutions for networks, radio and core networks. Its service is based on a software suite developed using open source.   The OpenAirInterface platform offers …

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TeraLab, a big data platform with a European vision

TeraLab, an IMT platform aimed at accelerating big data projects by uniting researchers and companies, has held the “Silver i-Space” quality label since December 1st, 2016. This label, awarded by the Big Data Value Association, is a guarantee of the quality of the services the platform provides, both at the technical and legal levels. The label testifies to TeraLab’s relevance …

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FEMTO Engineering: a new component of the TSN Carnot institute

In July 2016 the Ministry for Education and Research renewed the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute accreditation and at the same time, the institute presented a new component: the FEMTO Engineering Center for Technological Development. We interviewed the Director of the FEMTO-ST laboratory, Laurent Larger, who told us a little more about the identity of this new component of the …

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What is the truth behind the myth of the entrepreneur?

Entrepreneur, Thomas Houy, Télécom ParisTech

A much more complex and less glamorous truth lies behind the storytelling of the visionary entrepreneur, the insider who has the revolutionary idea of the century. Thomas Houy, Researcher at Télécom ParisTech, breaks down the stereotypes surrounding the false image of the exceptional strategist. Following his presentation during the IMT symposium on businesses, the economy and society in November 2016, …

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On computer science : Turbo in the algo

Algo, Turbocodes, Claude Berrou, Turbocodes, IMT Atlantique

Serge Abiteboul, Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and Christine Froidevaux, Université Paris Sud – Université Paris-Saclay A new “Interview on Computer Science”. Serge Abiteboul and Christine Froidevaux interview Claude Berrou, computer engineer and electronics engineer, and a member of the French Academy of Sciences. Claude Berrou is a professor at IMT Atlantique. He is best known for his work on turbo codes, which has been used extensively in …

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