Search Results for: social network

Smart cities: “it is only through multidisciplinary research that we can rise to these challenges”

Smart cities, Ville intelligente : « Ce n’est que par une recherche pluridisciplinaire que les défis seront relevés »

The smart city is becoming an increasingly tangible reality for citizens in urban areas, with the efforts made to increase mobility and energy management being obvious examples. But is more efficient transport and optimized energy consumption sufficient to define a smart city? Being a member of the jury of the international Prizes Le Monde-Smart Cities that will be awarded in Singapor …

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OpenAirInterface: An open platform for establishing the 5G system of the future

OpenAirInterface, Eurecom, 5G

In this article, we continue our exploration of the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute technological platforms. OpenAirInterface is the platform created by EURECOM to support mobile telecommunication systems like 4G and 5G. Its goal: to develop access solutions for networks, radio and core networks. Its service is based on a software suite developed using open source.   The OpenAirInterface platform offers …

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FEMTO Engineering: a new component of the TSN Carnot institute

In July 2016 the Ministry for Education and Research renewed the Télécom & Société numérique Carnot institute accreditation and at the same time, the institute presented a new component: the FEMTO Engineering Center for Technological Development. We interviewed the Director of the FEMTO-ST laboratory, Laurent Larger, who told us a little more about the identity of this new component of the …

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In Nantes, the smart city becomes a reality with mySMARTlife

mySMARTLife, Nantes

Alongside European smart city champions like Barcelona, Copenhagen and Stockholm, France boasts a few gems of its own. One such city is Nantes, a participant in the European H2020 research project mySMARTlife since December 1st, 2016. Thanks to this project, the capital of the Pays de la Loire region plans to put its scientific heritage to good use, represented by …

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Gender diversity in ICT as a topic of research

Gender, TIC, Mixité, Chantal Morley, Télécom École de Management

Chantal Morley, a researcher at Institut Mines-Telecom Business School, works on the social construction of the masculinity of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Various empirical studies analyzed using a structurationist framework have allowed her to understand how stereotypes linking gender and technology are maintained or broken down through interactions, often spoken, on a daily basis. The notion of social inclusion …

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The bitcoin and blockchain: energy hogs

Bitcoin, blockchain, Michel Berne, Fabrice Flipo

By Fabrice Flipo and Michel Berne, researchers at Télécom École de Management. Editorial originally published in French in The Conversation France _______________________________________________________________________________________   The digital world still lives under the illusion that it is intangible. As governments gathered in Paris at COP21, pledging to reduce their carbon emissions to keep global warming below 2°C, the spread of digital technology continues …

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At La Rotonde, the scientific mediation is based on experiments

A venue for exhibitions, mediation, and more generally scientific, technical and industrial culture, La Rotonde is a Mines Saint-Étienne center with a difference. Its role is to share knowledge with different audiences, young and old, who are fans of science or simply curious. For its director, Guillaume Desbrosse, this involves first and foremost encouraging an interest in science, and allowing …

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Remote electronic voting – a scientific challenge

Electronic voting, Télécom SudParis, Annals of Telecommunications

Although electronic voting machines have begun to appear at polling stations, many technological barriers still hinder the development of these platforms that could enable us to vote remotely via the Internet. The scientific journal, Annals of Telecommunications, dedicated its July-August 2016 issue to this subject. Paul Gibson, a researcher at Télécom SudParis, and guest editor of this edition, co-authored an …

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The sharing economy: simplifying exchanges? Not necessarily…

sharing economy

The groundbreaking nature of the sharing economy raises hope as well as concern among established economic players. It is intriguing and exciting. Yet what lies behind this often poorly defined concept? Godefroy Dang Nguyen, a researcher in economics at Télécom Bretagne, gives us an insight into this phenomenon. He co-authored a MOOC on the subject that will be available online …

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