Economics and Society

The Auragen project: turning the hopes of genomic medicine into reality


There is only one way to unlock the mysteries of certain genetic diseases — analyze each patient gene by gene. Genome analysis offers great promise for understanding rare diseases and providing personalized treatment for each patient. The French government hopes to make this new form of medicine available through its healthcare system by 2025. To achieve this aim, institutional healthcare …

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Will 5G turn the telecommunications market upside-down?

Mobile World Congress 2016, market

The European Commission is anticipating the arrival of the fifth generation in mobile phones (5G) in 2020. It is expected to significantly increase data speeds and offer additional uses. However, the extent of the repercussions on the telecommunications market and on services is still difficult to evaluate, even for the experts. Some believe that 5G will be no more than …

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Ethics, an overlooked aspect of algorithms?


We now encounter algorithms at every moment of the day. But this exposure can be dangerous. It has been proven to influence our political opinions, moods and choices. Far from being neutral, algorithms carry their developers’ value judgments, which are imposed on us without our noticing most of the time. It is now necessary to raise questions about the ethical …

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Rethinking ethics in social networks research

ethics, social networks, éthique, Antonio Cailli, Télécom ParisTech

Antonio A. Casilli, Télécom ParisTech – Institut Mines-Télécom, University of Paris-Saclay and Paola Tubaro, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) Research into social media is booming, fueled by increasingly powerful computational and visualization tools. However, it also raises some ethical and deontological issues that tend to escape the existing regulatory framework. The economic implications of large scale data platforms, the active participation of …

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Brennus Analytics: finding the right price

Brennus Analytics

Brennus Analytics offers software solutions, making artificial intelligence available to businesses. Algorithms allow them to determine the optimal sales price, helping bring businesses closer to their objective of gaining market share and margin whilst also satisfying their customers. Currently incubated at ParisTech Entrepreneurs, Brennus Analytics also allows businesses to make well-informed decisions about their number one profitability lever: pricing.   …

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What is supply chain management?

supply chain management, Matthieu Lauras

Behind each part of your car, your phone or even the tomato on your plate, there’s an extensive network of contributors. Every day, billions of products circulate. The management of a logistics chain – or ‘supply chain management’ – organizes these movements on a smaller or larger scale. Matthieu Lauras, a researcher in industrial engineering at IMT Mines Albi, explains …

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New Caledonia: a mine challenging democracy

New Caledonia

When an industrial mining complex wanted to release a pollutant into their lagoon in the late 1990s, the inhabitants of the southern province of Grande Terre took action. In their fight against the environmental and cultural danger, the citizens found it difficult to make their voices heard. Today, almost 20 years have passed since the scientific and social controversy first …

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Trust in the digital age

How does the concept of trust play out in the context of new technologies? At a time when blockchain technology is experiencing phenomenal success in the corporate sector, it has become crucial to examine the mechanisms involved in building trust. Behind the machines’ apparent infallible precision, there are humans, with all their complexity and subjectivity. What risks does this create? …

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Trust, a tool for reducing technological risks?

Risks, La confiance, un outil pour réduire le risque technologique ?

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom brochure: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” A sociologist with IMT Atlantique, Sophie Bretesché is specialized in the risks associated with technology. She has worked extensively on the issue of redeveloping former uranium mines in mainland France. …

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Is blockchain the ultimate technology of trust?

Blockchain, trust, technology

This article is part of our series on trust, published on the occasion of the release of the Fondation Mines-Télécom booklet: “The new balances of trust: between algorithms and social contract.” Due to its decentralized nature, blockchain technology is fueling hopes of developing a robust trust system between economic stakeholders. But although it offers unique advantages, it is not perfect. As …

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