Economics and Society

What is the social and solidarity economy?

In France, AMAPs (associations for community-supported agriculture) are emblematic examples of the social solidarity economy. But they are not the only social solidarity economy (SSE) organizations. Other examples include cooperative banks, non-profit groups and mutual funds.

The social and solidarity economy (SSE) encompasses organizations that seek to respond to human problems through responsible solutions. Far from being an epiphenomenon, the SSE accounts for a significant share of the economy both in France and around the world. Contrary to popular belief, these principles are far from new. Mélissa Boudes, a researcher in management at Institut Mines-Télécom Business …

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Good in Tech: a chair to put responsibility and ethics into innovation

good in tech

On September 12, the Good in Tech chair was launched with the aim of making digital innovations more responsible and ethical. The chair is supported by the Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, the School of Management and Innovation at Sciences Po, and the Fondation du Risque, in partnership with Télécom Paris and Télécom SudParis. This means that the Good in Tech …

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The new competition issues raised by access to data in the digital economy

competition, access to data

Patrick Waelbroeck, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom and Antoine Dubus, Télécom Paris – Institut Mines-Télécom In the digital economy, data is king. While recent problems with data theft and loss have made headlines following the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in May 2018 , the link between access to data and market competition is still in the …

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Digital technology has given rise to new informal learning methods

Article written in partnership with The Conversation France. By Myriam Benabid and Emmanuel Baudoin, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School; and Serge Perrot, University Paris Dauphine – PSL Consulting a YouTube tutorial or an online dictionary, improving English skills using a dedicated application while taking public transportation, etc. To develop their skills, professionals are increasingly turning to these informal digital learning methods. …

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Alcohol, tobacco, pharmaceuticals: compromises between marketing and ethics

alcohol, tobacco, marketing

In socially controversial sectors, marketing professionals who promote potentially harmful products are faced with a conflict of values. This is the case for the tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical industries. Between economic logic and established social norms, how do these individuals handle the negative view of their profession? Loréa Baïada-Hirèche is a researcher in business ethics at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School. …

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The ethical challenges of digital identity

digital identity

Article written in partnership with The Conversation. By Armen Khatchatourov and Pierre-Antoine Chardel, Institut Mines-Télécom Business School The GDPR recently came into effect, confirming Europe’s role as an example in personal data protection. However, we must not let it dissuade us from examining issues of identity, which have been redefined in this digital era. This means thinking critically about major ethical and philosophical issues that …

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Digital sovereignty: can the Russian Internet cut itself off from the rest of the world?

Russian internet

This article was originally published in French in The Conversation, an international collaborative news website of scientific expertise, of which IMT is a partner.  Article written by Benjamin Loveluck (Télécom ParisTech), Francesca Musiani (Sorbonne Université), Françoise Daucé (EHESS), and Ksenia Ermoshina (CNRS). The Internet infrastructure is based on the principle of the internationalization of equipment and data and information flows. Elements …

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Another type of platform is possible: a cooperative approach


Article written in partnership with The Conversation France.  By Mélissa Boudes (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School), Guillaume Compain (Université Paris Dauphine – PSL), Müge Ozman (Institut Mines-Télécom Business School) So-called collaborative platforms have been very popular since their appearance in the late 2000s. They are now heavily criticized, driving some of their users to take collective action. There is growing concern …

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Serious games: when games invade the classroom

serious games

Over the last few years, a new teaching method linked to the invasion of digital technology in our daily lives has begun shaking up traditional learning methods. The primary purpose of these serious games is not entertainment. The developing sector does not seek to substitute, but rather supplement—or at least earn its place—in the arsenal of existing educational tools. Imed …

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Chronic disease: what does the Internet really change in patients’ lives?

maladie chronique, chronic disease

For the first time, a study has assessed the impact of digital technology on the lives of patients with chronic diseases. It was conducted by the ICA patient association collective, in partnership with researchers from the Smart Objects and Social Networks chair at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School. The study provides a portrait of the benefits and limitations perceived by chronically ill …

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