Interactions Materials-Microorganisms

This book is devoted to biocolonization, the biodeterioration of materials and possible improvements in their performance. Many materials age according to their use and their environment. The presence of microorganisms can then lead to biodeterioration. However, these can also help protect structures, provided their properties are used wisely. Christine LORS, researcher at IMT Lille Douai is co-author of this book published in English. Here is the presentation.

Read on I’MTech When microorganisms attack or repair materials

This multidisciplinary book is the result of a collective work synthesizing presentations made by various specialists during the CNRS «BIODEMAT» school, which took place in October 2014 in La Rochelle (France). It is designed for readers of a range of scientific specialties (chemistry, biology, physics, etc.) and examines various industrial problems (e.g., water, sewerage and maintaining building materials).

Metallic, cementitious, polymeric and composite materials age depending on their service and operational environments. In such cases, the presence of microorganisms can lead to biodeterioration. However, microorganisms can also help protect structures, provided their immense possibilities are mastered and put to good use.

This book is divided into five themes related to biocolonization, material biodeterioration, and potential improvements to such materials resulting in better performance levels with respect to biodeterioration:
• physical chemistry of surfaces;
• biofilm implication in biodeterioration;
• biocorrosion of metallic materials;
• biodeterioration of non-metallic materials;
• design and modification of materials.

The affiliations of the authors of the various chapters illustrate the synergy between academic research and its transfer to industry. This demonstrates the essential interaction between the various actors in this complex field: analysing, understanding, and responding to the scientific issues related to biodeterioration.

Christine LorsInteractions Materials – Microorganisms
Concretes and Metals more Resistant to Biodeterioration
Christine Lors, Françoise Feugeas, Bernard Tribollet
EDP Sciences, 2019
416 pages
75,00 € (Paperback) – 51,99 € (PDF)

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