Startups AskHub, DessIA and WaToo receive interest-free loans

On June 7, the Digital Fund of the Grandes Ecoles and Universities Initiative selected three new startups to receive interest-free loans. AskHub and DessIA, from ParisTech Entrepreneurs, the Télécom ParisTech incubator, and WaToo, from the IMT Atlantique incubator, will each receive €20,000 interest-free loans. These financial aid programs co-financed by Fondation Mines-Télécom, la Caisse des Dépôts and Revital’Emploi provide these growing companies with the funds they need to pursue their development.



AskHub is a platform that analyzes requests that were not understood by chatbots and then offers an ecosystem of ready-to-use chat plug-ins to improve the user experience. Find out more


DessIA is design software for mechanical engineering. Using an approach based on artificial intelligence, the software can select the solution best adapted to users’ needs from among billions of possibilities. Find out more

logo watoo

WaToo offers a solution to prevent the misappropriation and falsification of sensitive documents by authorized users by concealing digital watermarks in the documents to protect them. Find out more

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