Search Results for: Covid

Covid-19: what could subsurface wave detection mean for the pandemic?

detection covid-19 eaux usées

The detection of SARS-CoV-2 viral infections responsible for Covid-19 allows us to monitor the evolution of the pandemic. Most methods are based on individual patient screening, with the disadvantages of cost and time. Other approaches based on the detection of SARS-CoV-2 in urban wastewater have been developed to monitor the trends in infections. Miguel Lopez-Ferber, a researcher at IMT Mines Alès, …

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Covid-19: putting the figures into perspective

Chiffres nombre de cas et de décès de la Covid-19

Since the start of the Covid-19 crisis we have developed a unique relationship with the abundance of figures reflecting the current state of affairs. They are used as indicators to describe the trends in the pandemic and serve to make major political decisions. Valérie Charolles, a researcher in philosophy at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, explains her reflections on the epistemological …

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Covid-19 Epidemic: an early warning signal that we’ve reached the planet’s limits?

planetary boundaries, urgence climatique, planet's limits

Natacha Gondran, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom and Aurélien Boutaud, Mines Saint-Étienne – Institut Mines-Télécom This article was published for the Fête de la Science (Science Festival, held from 2 to 12 October 2020 in mainland France and from 6 to 16 November in Corsica, overseas departments and internationally), in which The Conversation France is a partner. The theme for this year’s …

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COVID-19: contact tracing applications and new conversational perimeter

contact tracing applications

The original version of this article (in French) was published in the quarterly newsletter of the Values and Policies of Personal Information Chair (no. 18, September 2020). On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization officially declared that our planet was in the midst of a pandemic caused by the spread of Covid-19. First reported in China, then Iran and …

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Covid-19 crisis management maps

Capture d'écran des cartes du Tarn pour visualiser l'épidémie de Covid-19, crisis management

The prefecture of the Tarn department worked with a research team from IMT Mines Albi to meet their needs in managing the Covid-19 crisis. Frédérick Benaben, an industrial engineering researcher, explains the tool they developed to help local stakeholders visualize the necessary information and facilitate their decision-making.   “The Covid-19 crisis is original and new, because it is above all …

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In French nursing homes, the Covid-19 crisis has revealed the detrimental effects of austerity policies

EHPAD, Covid19, Coronavirus, nursing homes

This article was originally published (in French) in the Conversation.  By Laura Nirello, IMT Lille Douai, and Ilona Delouette, University of Lille.   With apocalyptic accounts of conditions in French nursing homes, where deaths have soared (over 9,000 estimated as of 3 May 2020), the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed, more than ever, the hardships facing this sector. For years, care providers who …

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Wikipedia in the time of the Covid-19 crisis


Wikipedia provides freely reusable, objective and verifiable content that every citizen may modify and improve. It is difficult to achieve this aim when it comes to providing real-time information about a crisis marked by uncertainty, as is the case with the current Covid-19 epidemic. At Télécom Paris, Caroline Rizza, a researcher in information sciences, and Sandrine Bubendorff, a sociologist, have explored how crises are approached …

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CoronaCheck : separating fact from fiction in the Covid-19 epidemic

coronacheck, queries

Rumors about the origins of the Covid-19 epidemic and news about miracle cures are rampant. And some leaders have taken the liberty of putting forth questionable figures. To combat such misinformation, Paolo Papotti and his team at EURECOM have developed an algorithmic tool for the general public, which can determine the accuracy of the figures. In addition to its potential for …

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Can technology combat chronic stress?

Technologie positive, stress

Stressors in individuals can occur on a regular basis, especially in uncertain contexts such as the current health situation. To prevent a state of stress from becoming chronic and causing mental health problems, approaches involving positive technologies could help people to improve their resilience. Anuragini Shirish, a researcher at Institut Mines-Télécom Business School, describes her work on this subject. Why …

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